Sessions / Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy
Developing a Phrasebank: A Critical Examination of Phrasal Lists #2080
The study outlined in this poster presentation examined phrasal expression lists to determine characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, and whether a particular type of list might be lacking. Examining factors related to the process undertaken in producing each list and concerning the product itself revealed that existing phrasal lists were typically either research-focused or pedagogically-focused. Results highlight factors to consider when producing an empirically-derived phrasal expression list that is of direct value to L2 students.
How to Create an Effective On-Demand Video – From Students’ Perspectives #2135
Providing on-demand videos has become one alternative to teaching, due to the pandemic. Teachers normally tend to focus on the context and think less about the video itself, which is a significant tool when teaching online. This presentation will introduce key points to create an effective and learner-friendly video, based on the survey conducted with university students. Moreover, the presenter will discuss further possibilities of how on-demand videos can potentially enhance students' engagement in learning.
Cancelled Professional Development of JTEs Using Knowledge-Building Pedagogy #2161
In Japan, the Ministry of Education’s (MEXT) national curriculum regarding the subject of English has continuously emphasized the development of students’ communicative abilities. Teacher development is critical to meet needs for curricula that are aimed at going beyond knowledge transmission teaching to knowledge creation and innovation using a knowledge-building pedagogy. The study offers two models that are applicable to teacher development in helping teachers meet curricula that are focused on knowledge creation.
Activities to Improve the Structural Quality of Arguments in Essay Writing #2241
This poster presentation explores how teachers can address argumentation in an academic writing course by offering material that helps learners identify, analyze and evaluate effective arguments. The presentation includes specific activities and techniques on identifying the elements and structure of an argument, determining the relevance of reasons and the sufficiency of evidence, and applying rubrics to examine the structural quality of arguments. Materials are available for teachers to implement in their classrooms immediately.
Students’ Reaction to a Choice Between Flipgrid and Google Meet #2014
This observational study examines students’ reaction to choices between Flipgrid and Google Meet for participation in communicative or oral production activities in online English courses offered at a private university in Japan. Results indicate that students appreciated having a choice, and while a majority more often chose the live Google Meet sessions, this depended largely on class makeup.
Using Corpora to Create Academic Writing Assignments #1908
Quite often universities require students to write academic essays that students might not be prepared for. Having an assignment sheet with grammatical patterns and commonly used words makes it easier for students to write the required essays. The workshop will focus on creating an assignment sheet for an academic writing topic: this includes vocabulary, collocations, colligations, and patterns. The vocabulary list, collocations, colligations, and frames would come from corpora. It is not necessary to have prior knowledge on how to do searches using corpora as they will be explained in the workshop step by step.
Feedback, Peer-Evaluation, and Reflective Learning Procedures: An MFL Trinity #1916
In this workshop I will discuss my recent experiences fostering a reflective learning environment via (a) the delivery of accelerated teacher and peer feedback and (b) subsequently requiring students to submit reflections about their learning experiences using cloud computing (G Suite for Education).Outcomes of the workshop should include (1) Awareness of learner-centered pedagogical practices and how to implement them using cloud computing (2) Immediate knowledge of how to apply the Google Education Suite in varied educational settings, and (3) How to better communicate with students.
Incorporating International Language and Culture Exchanges Into Your Classes #1901
Since 2015 over 25,000 students from 25 countries have participated in the IVEProject, an international online exchange where students use the English they are studying in class to interact with peers around the world. The workshop will showcase the project: the research showing its benefits to linguistic, intercultural and communicative competence; the ways it can be incorporated into your syllabus; and the joy it can bring to students who participate. If you want your students to use the English they are studying in class to interact with others around the world, come to this workshop. It is easy and free-of-charge.
A New Textbook for Teaching Intercultural Communication in Language Classes #2333
Ibunka - Intercultural Communication in Daily Life, a new textbook and online platform from Alma Publishing, has two basic aims: (1) incorporate language scaffolding so that it can be used in intermediate-level language classes, and (2) tackle intercultural communication from the perspective of daily life habits rather than concepts, so that it is meaningful for average university students—even with limited life experience. The presenter will explain how this text can be used in various class contexts.
Teaching English Lexical Categories to Japanese Students #2204
The present study proposes an explicit instruction to teach English lexical categories to Japanese students. College-level Japanese students were tested on their knowledge of lexical categories, i.e., whether they were able to distinguish and identify four major categories: nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Then the explicit instruction was given to them, focusing on morphological properties, i.e., types of affixes, and syntactic properties such as categories’ sentence positions, showing the effect of the instruction.
Benefits of Using Multiple Representations to Low L2 Proficiency Learners #2242
Generally, authentic materials are considered difficult for low L2 proficiency learners. The study found that when L2 learners engage in connected learning by watching multimedia videos and reading texts of the relevant topic together, and the content is meaningful to them, they perceive authentic content learning positively. In this presentation, I will share relevant research and some participants' responses to show how deeply they were able to learn TED Talk ideas through connected learning.
Facilitating Student Participation in Global Academic Community Activities #2246
This workshop is for teachers who are interested in helping students explore the global academic community and collaborate with students in other countries. The workshop gives examples from a 2020 project on global student citizenship and discusses implications for intercultural communication skills, language awareness, and linguistic proficiency. Participants will receive practical advice on how similar projects can be designed and implemented in their own courses.
The Fine Art of Explaining Japanese Culture #2310
One difficulty for many EFL teachers facing oral discussion classes relates to the simple issue of conversational topics. Some topics might be either uninteresting or unfamiliar to some students making it difficult for them to contribute opinions or questions. Explain It: Discussing Japanese Culture in English is a textbook solving this problem, helping students to explore their own culture and opinions about it. Topics range from sports, handicrafts, superstitions, the arts, and theater, among others.
Performance in Education SIG Forum #2314
The performance in education (PIE) SIG forum will feature a series of mini presentations and performances with a number of PIE practitioners who are enthusiastic about bringing performative elements into their language classrooms. The forum will focus on the reflections of performance assisted learning (PAL) activities that were carried out during the pandemic and new perspectives towards the next academic year. The presenters are looking forward to seeing you in this informative and entertaining forum!
JALT CT SIG Forum and Annual General Meeting #2389
This year’s CT SIG forum will focus on curriculum design for both small scale (in the classroom) and large scale (university-wide) which integrate critical thinking into English learning. The presenter will share prints and ideas on how you can help your students think more critically in English. Join us for an informative presentation followed by the JALT CT SIG AGM promptly afterward.
Creating High-Quality Listening Materials #2112
This workshop will explain and demonstrate the process of creating high-quality listening materials for classroom use, textbook audio, or online education. Participants will become familiar with the basic equipment and software, as well as how to record, edit and share audio of a high quality.
How to Uncover and Connect Arguments in an EAP Textbook #2254
How well do we know our EAP textbooks? Influential elements of academic arguments are often unstated. The focus of this presentation is a framework for generating an answer to that question and the findings of its application to the 12 academic lectures in the popular EAP course book Contemporary Topics I. Being able to draw out and organize key elements of academic texts is a useful tool for finding previously unrecognized connections among academic content.
Strategies and New Perspectives for Teaching Academic Writing Online #2342
Teaching academic writing online is hard to do well. This workshop coalesces around three key pedagogical tactics for teaching academic writing: scaffolding, chunking, and interrogative methodology. The workshop lays out strategies for combining these approaches and provides an overview of digital technologies that can aid in the teaching of English-language academic writing at the college or university level. This workshop reflects on past practice and offers new perspectives for an online or hybrid educational future.
Teaching Students How to Write a Literature Review #2012
Teaching students how to write a literature review requires providing instruction on respecting academic norms and hands-on, systematic guidance to learners. The presenter will share such an approach; he will demonstrate how to set up a literature review matrix and then add, organize, and tab information from sources in the matrix.
In Quest of the Optimal Way of Using Grammarly for College Writing Tasks #2151
There is a growing interest in using automatic grammar checkers for English language teaching. To find the optimal way of using machine corrective feedback, the researcher experimented with 75 second-year university students. They received three types of feedback: machine feedback by Grammarly, indirect written feedback with marking, and direct written feedback with correct forms. Students’ views collected through a post-questionnaire suggested the complementary use of Grammarly could raise students’ satisfaction levels while lowering teachers’ burden.
Film Dialogue and Voice Over Film Projects in ESL: Student Attitudes #1983
This presentation looks at the role of a film project and its role in student attitudes and motivation. In this project, two separate student groups worked collaboratively to create either a voice-over or dialogue recording from a choice of two different film clips in a university non-credit course. In this presentation, I will report on the results of a survey given to the students and comment on the role of films in English learning.
Widgets Inc.: A Task-Based Course in Workplace English, 2nd Ed. #2291
Widgets is the first commercial course to successfully apply a principled, “strong” approach to TBLT. It features a task-complexity syllabus, highly contextualized tasks and projects, and an engaging real-world-like simulation. It is flexible enough to use as a general communication course or within international studies, business English, and STEM related departments. It is especially well suited to mixed-ability classes of 12-24 students. Winner of the 2018 ELTon Award for Course Innovation. Presented by the authors.
Escape the Classroom: Compete, Cooperate, Communicate With Escape Rooms #2299
The presenter, an escape room creator and writer, will introduce the concept of escape rooms and how they can effectively be used in the classroom. Participants will receive tips on how to add cooperative and competitive elements to quizzes and communication activities along with suggestions for creating immersive puzzles and challenges to engage students. Additionally, the presenter will share how she brought escapism to her university students adapting to English classes on Zoom.
Intercultural Communication and Technology in Language Education #2328
The theme of the ICLE SIG forum at JALT 2021 is intercultural communication and technology in language education. We look forward to learning how teachers incorporate technology to develop and facilitate intercultural understanding in language teaching. Presenters will share case studies, action research, or practices that focus on developing intercultural understanding using various kinds of technology in language classrooms.
What We Know About Teachers’ Medium of Instruction in Remote Learning #1960
English instructors in Japanese universities hold differing principles regarding the amount of Japanese and English that they use in the classroom. In 2020, these principles were tested for many teachers when classes shifted online. The present study aimed to learn how distance learning affects teachers’ medium of instruction through interviews and observations of Zoom lessons. Findings indicate that technology poses problems as well as offers new opportunities to English instructors.
Towards a Smooth Transition From Primary to Junior High School #1988
In this presentation, the researcher will explore how researchers could act as an intermediary between primary and junior high school teachers, co-construct the local English language education curriculum, and help build a local professional teaching community towards a smooth transition from primary to junior high school. She will tell a story of how an emerging professional teaching community has been unfolding in the local context and those involved have been influencing each other.
Using CBI to Better Understand the Geopolitics of Nuclear Power & Arms #2272
This presentation will give the results of a mixed methodology study that took place in late 2020 on the factors influencing the perspectives of young Japanese voters on nuclear energy and armament policies. Derived from the results of an extensive survey of 1293 students, a series of lesson plans were developed for a class to explore issues related to a difficult topic through the target L2.
Can Reading Lead to Better Writing? - JALT2021 Bill Balsamo Asian Scholar Presentation #2387
ELT experts believe that reading can help improve student writing. However, experience tells us that this is not always the case. Many L2 readers continue to find writing challenging. In my talk, I offer practical tips on what language teachers can do to help good L2 readers become more proficient L2 writers.
Willy Renandya is the JALT2021 Bill Balsamo Asian Scholar: In 1988, JALT started an Asian Scholar Program through which teachers from other Asian countries are hosted in Japan, meet with teachers here, and give presentations at the annual international conference as well as at local chapters all over Japan on the Four Corners Tour program. In 2008 the program was renamed the Balsamo Asian Scholar Program in honor of Bill Balsamo, president of the Himeji Chapter and founder of the Teachers Helping Teachers SIG. Over the years, teachers from many countries have visited Japan on this program.
Collaborative Learning of Japanese Novice SHS Students #1957
In pair- and group-work, teachers often do not recognize how their students communicate or complete given tasks because the teacher cannot be present in all the groups. This conversation analysis (CA) aims to explore how high school students perform given tasks without their teacher's intervention. The results suggested that students attempt to achieve tasks if they clearly comprehended the purpose of the task, while avoiding tasks for which the purpose is unclear.
Dual Theoretical Approach to Summary Writing Instruction Using SFL and LCT #2049
Teaching Observations From the Pre-Sessional Listening Classroom #2060
Research investigating listening lessons has shown how teachers prioritise vocabulary-based and problem-solving opportunities but give grammar and background knowledge a lower priority. This presentation outlines three teachers’ current listening practices in a pre-sessional EAP course at a New Zealand university. Three classroom observation lessons and interviews outline the teachers’ use of the textbook, supplementary materials, and feedback. The presentation also provides listening-based suggestions for educators to use in their own tertiary-level listening classrooms.
Writing Publishing and Using ELT Content in Japan in 2021 and Onwards #2384
A discussion and advisory forum-style session addressing the current state of play and future predictions for teachers, writing and publishing (or wanting to), and teachers using any published content for ELT classes. Bring your questions about getting published or sourcing and using materials in the new normal book supply chain. We will cover everything from conceptualizing and publishing through to selection and use of ELT content in the current climate in Japan and the world.
Online Theatre: A Learning Tool for EAP #2019
With the spate of theatre currently being streamed online, a unique opportunity has arisen to incorporate professionally filmed plays into academic teaching. By dramatically contextualising coursework, students are offered a platform for heightened levels of critical thinking, the fostering of which is one of the core objectives of any EAP curriculum. This presentation will look at how the National Theatre’s production of Frankenstein was used in a freshman academic class and offer further resources.
Getting the Most out of New Speaking of Speech, Premium Edition #2296
Is Speaking of Speech Premium Edition a speaking text? Is it a listening text? Is it a core text? Is it a presentation text? It is all this and much, much more. This presentation offers a variety of activities that will make the most out of you and your students’ Speaking of Speech experience. Plus, most of these fun activities can be successfully adapted to your other speaking, listening, reading, or writing classes.
Looking Back, Thinking Forward: Literature in Language Teaching #2287
This forum includes presentations on the use of literature and creative writing in the classroom. The presenters will reflect on the benefits literature had for students and teachers during the 2020 academic year, and they will discuss new and innovative practices for reading and sharing stories across borders. Audience members will be invited to discuss these ideas and ask questions. Please join for a lively exchange of ideas.
E-oral and Written Feedback on Students’ Language Research Papers #2331
This research presents the impact of using e-feedback in teaching language education research on graduate students’ research papers’ content and organization during the pandemic. The e-written feedback was integrated into students’ writing outputs. The e-oral feedback was conducted one-on-one through Zoom and Facebook messenger from November 2020-February 2021. Findings from the survey and focus-group discussion showed that the students claimed that their research papers’ content and organization improved, and immediate e-feedback was essential.
Reflecting on the Authenticity of Online Extensive Reading at University #2092
In this study, students in an online IELTS reading course were expected to read English texts of their choice independently every day and record their efforts in a journal. Analysis of journal and interview data showed that students were good at maintaining a daily reading habit but chose short and non-academic texts often. The researcher will reflect on the tricky balance between authenticity in extensive reading and targeting specific text types.
Acclimating Japanese Learners of English to Some Asian English Accents #2172
Recently, Japanese speakers of English have increasingly more chances to communicate with Asian people in English. Research shows that when listeners become familiarized with certain accents with explicit instruction on the pronunciation characteristics, they comprehend the accented English better and are more willing to communicate. This presentation will demonstrate how teachers can use a Web-based material jointly developed by two universities to acclimate students to the pronunciation characteristics of Singaporean, Indian, Philippine, and Malaysian English.
Reflections and Ideas on Teaching English Oral Presentation Courses #2031
This talk reflects on teaching English oral presentation courses at a Japanese university over five years. A focus will be given to how online components were integrated into the course and implementing a comprehensive presenter feedback system that included multiple teacher-, peer-, and self-evaluations, along with reflection discussions. This experience, combined with post-course questionnaire results, will then be used to consider ideas on how presentations can be more effectively addressed in future face-to-face, online, and blended teaching contexts.
Applied Critical Thinking: Students Exploring Social Media #2052
This workshop reviews an approach to critical thinking instruction in the context of academic L2 English courses. In this approach, students apply their critical thinking to study controversial issues by investigating comments on social media. During this workshop we will review the pedagogical features, teaching steps, and caveats of this approach. We will also review examples of student work and discuss student perspectives regarding this teaching approach, which were gathered in a post-course questionnaire.
Translanguaging Approach on Anxiety and Motivation in Tertiary EFL Classes #2063
Although strategies to improve communicative competence are increasing, there are students whose self-perception towards language learning results in language anxiety due to the inability to present ideas purely in L2. This research explores how university students and teachers perceive the presence of L1 in the classroom and how its presence correlates with student anxiety and motivation. Moreover, this study centers on translanguaging as a possible approach in a monolingual country like Japan.
Building English Skills Through ABC World News Tonight Broadcasts #2395
Using authentic broadcast news materials in class is a powerful way to build English skills while also helping students to become more knowledgeable about world affairs and to develop the critical thinking skills necessary in today’s increasingly interconnected world. The presenter will demonstrate some of the teaching methods she uses with Broadcast: ABC World News Tonight, the popular series incorporating streamed video clips from the American television news program.
Cancelled Building a Language Lesson Around a Folktale: A Story-Based Approach #2281
This session will discuss some practical ideas on how teachers can take folktales to the language classroom, and build a task-based lesson around it to teach story writing.
Successful Presentations Through Content-Based Learning #2302
To encourage student self-expression, meaningful topics are needed. Yet what makes topics deeply engaging? How can educators motivate students to think critically and express their views? This presentation shows how content-based learning can lead to successful presentations. Presenters discuss topic choice, learners’ personal point of view, and supporting students with step-by-step scaffolding. How this can be done online is also discussed.
Extensive Reading Research: A Chat With Paul Nation and Rob Waring #2336
This presentation will review some basic findings from decades of research into the effectiveness of extensive reading. This body of research highlights some main areas still unexplored which still need investigating. Some suggested research designs will be put forward, and suggestions made to ensure robust designs. Some of the major pitfalls in ER research will also be explained. We will close with a call for research in extensive listening, followed by the SIG AGM.
Hitting the Lexical Keynote: A Textbook Vocabulary Load Analysis #2061
Textbooks offer teachers guidance and support in their teaching and provide learners with a familiar lesson framework in learning. However, textbooks present many lexical, syntactic, and grammatical challenges for learners. This study investigates the lexical profile and vocabulary load of two popular university-assigned ELT textbooks. Upon the vocabulary analysis of each textbook and their subsequent units, the results show the lexical demands required for second language learners in ELT and Japanese tertiary-level programmes.
Cancelled Communicative Language Teaching Activity to Improve Fluency and Confidence #2003
Participants in this workshop should leave with a thorough understanding of the benefits of introducing reading fluency exercises before or in conjunction with any reading program. The results of nearly 5 years of developmental research will be presented before the procedure is discussed. The face-to-face small class method and the small class online methods will be presented. Participants will be given opportunities to discuss their individual situations and how modifications might affect these exercise outcomes.
Cancelled Talking COVID-19: Facilitating Student Wellbeing Via Process Radio Drama #2278
Studies in the field of psychology have shown that expressive tasks, which include talking and narrative writing, can enable adjustment to stressors (Lepore et al., 2000; Pennebaker & Seagal, 1999). Based on these theories, the teacher-researcher invited students to engage with the topic of COVID-19 by creating short performances on the topic via a new technique: process radio drama. This presentation will share data of 30 students from this project.
What Are the Problems for Japanese EFL Learners’ Listening? #2095
This study investigated the kind of problems Japanese EFL learners encounter when listening to English. The presenters collected data from 94 Japanese university students. In the listening test, the participants listened to and transcribed three different but easy passages. The participants were found to recognize approximately 75% of what they listened to. The mistakes were separated into five categories, and the presenters will discuss them showing sample mistakes.
Art and Artists in the EFL Classroom #2323
This presentation discusses the use of artworks as teaching materials in the EFL classroom. Students at a Japanese art university participated in the study over three semesters. Qualitative data was collected through student essays and participatory responses, suggesting that narrative representational paintings increased student participation, engagement, and motivation. Improvement in vocabulary acquisition and descriptive writing was also noted. The study was motivated by curiosity about the visual arts and their possible roles in EFL.
Cancelled Students As Independent Vocabulary Collectors #2269
Explicit vocabulary instruction has an important place in L2 classrooms, yet it is impractical to spend a large portion of the class time to teach all the words and phrases the students need to know for each lesson. This action research aims to answer which independent vocabulary collecting techniques students like best and which ones teachers can integrate into lessons to encourage autonomous vocabulary learning.
Availability of UG and Knowledge of Resumptive Pronouns in ESL Learners #2217
Literature suggests differences in language settings might cause learnability issues in ESL learners despite the availability of universal grammar (UG). This study aims to examine the above claim and understand if ESL learners’ (L1-Telugu) knowledge of resumptive pronouns in complex wh-interrogatives shows the full access model of UG in SLA is true. The findings provided evidence of their knowledge of RP at the level of full-transfer along with their bias for its position of occurrence.
The Impact of Assistant Language Teachers on English Education in Shizuoka #2285
To the best of the presenter’s knowledge, no studies (in English) have been found on ALTs specific impacts at the prefectural level concerning English language outcomes in Shizuoka. The study’s findings showed that teaching methods continue to be influenced by traditional teaching methods; however, there is some effort to integrate more communicative approaches. For more positive impacts, there is a need for clarity across schools about ALTs’ job roles and functions.
Developing a Teaching Portfolio for Reflective Practice #2345
As teachers, we develop a set of instructional skills and tools that we rely on. However, to what extent do we review our own performance? This session examines teaching portfolios as tools for reflective practice, using an example as a way to explore its efficacy. We will look at what to include and how to engage with the portfolio. This is a practical workshop intended to encourage instructors to consider this method of professional development.
How to Help University Students Be More Confident in Speaking English #2126
Japanese university students sometimes lack confidence in their ability to speak English. In this presentation, the researcher will discuss how students’ learning experiences may be contributing to lack of confidence through the perspective of self-efficacy (SE). Using the quantitative findings of sources of EFL speaking SE inventory, the presenter will outline some of the learning experiences that appear to hinder students’ confidence to speak English.
JHS Online Communication to Enhance Willingness to Communicate #1990
An online international exchange program was implemented to enhance students’ willingness to communicate (WTC) as an extracurricular activity in a public junior high school. Discussion and reflection after each one of three sessions revealed how the nine students viewed academic English and what they want to learn in school. In order to support the qualitative data, the WTC questionnaire was distributed and analyzed to capture the changes in three sessions.
Keeping It Real – Skills Practice Activities in the Business English Class #2306
Business English learners need a wide range of cultural knowledge and specialized language related to common business situations. Critically, they need activities—both restricted-use and authentic-use—that work with a wide range of learning styles, to give them opportunities to practice as realistically as the classroom will allow. In this workshop, the presenter and participants will look at a range of activities to help learners acquire the language and knowledge they need.
Interest Pursuit: Choosing and Using Narrative Texts #2339
Learners reading narrative texts has a long tradition in second language classrooms. We have students read, answer some questions, and then talk to them about prioritized language points. Missing from this equation is agency and choice for teachers and learners, particularly when it becomes clear narrative texts have deep and unpredictable riches to offer for concepts and language. This workshop takes up questions of, and alternatives for, text selection and use by teachers and learners.
Creating Interactive Skill-Based Units in World News Class #2134
In this workshop, we will introduce news-based media literacy skill units for L2 English learners. Topics include fake news, bias, fact manipulation, and sources. We firstly provide some background and argue the importance of including skill-based units in regard to fostering students’ critical thinking ability. Thereafter we shortly describe the process of making the units. Then, we demonstrate some of the activities, such as identifying fake news and spotting bias.
Intercultural Competence Development in Monocultural EFL Classrooms #2154
This presentation will discuss results from a longitudinal study aimed at investigating intercultural competence development in largely monocultural, foreign language classrooms. Particular attention will be given to the development of core intercultural competence components, namely curiosity, openness, and respect, as well as an awareness of local and global issues. The presenter will discuss results of pre- and post-intervention surveys, reflective journals, and focus group discussions collected over one semester among 180 EFL university students.
Raising Awareness of Social Issues and Culture in ELT via Critical Pedagogy #2008
This workshop aims to provide ideas for addressing social issues and culture in the ELT classroom via critical pedagogy (Freire, 1970; Giroux, 2005). Initially, attendee approaches toward tackling social issues and culture will be explored. Thereafter, audience understandings of critical pedagogy will be examined before it and its relevance are defined. Subsequently, attendees will experience addressing example social issues and culture via critical pedagogy before concluding with the advantages and risks of using this approach.
A Storytelling Workshop: Lessons From Performative Language and Translation #2117
This workshop discusses an event combining local folklore, Japanese dialect literature, and performative language practice, and reflects on the self-reported experiences of the learners. Workshop participants will hear details of the event and students’ self-reflections on the learning process, touching on topics ranging from pronunciation to performative language, translation theory, code switching, and language modalities. The workshop will conclude by demonstrating how the lessons learned may be applied in a wider variety of contexts.
American Vibes: Cross-Cultural Interactions Online or in the Classroom #2396
It is a challenge finding material that is authentic and can take learners outside of the classroom, and even more challenging to find engaging material that works in asynchronous, synchronous, and face-to-face classrooms. Structure is necessary only as far as it does not constrain creativity in any way. With measured scaffolding, authentic video material, and carefully chosen themes as a catalyst, let’s explore how learners can have real cross-cultural interactions in almost any classroom setting.
Design Thinking: Creative Collaboration in the 21st Century Classroom #2016
This presentation introduces how design thinking (DT) was used in a university English course to facilitate communication and creative collaboration. The presentation will introduce the work of the students and survey results on student engagement, confidence communicating, and developing cognitive flexibility. Attendees at the presentation will leave with theoretical insights into the impact of DT on student engagement and practical suggestions for implementing DT in language lessons.
Creating a Textbook for Extensive Reading: An Impossible Dream? #2309
Research has consistently shown that extensive reading (ER) helps students in numerous ways, and most teachers would like to incorporate ER into their English courses. In many contexts teachers are required to use a textbook, and the difficulty with effectively implementing ER may be how to integrate ER with other course materials. This presentation describes a project to create a course based around ER materials, where tasks in the textbook facilitate learning through ER.
Cancelled Using Intercultural Rhetoric in L2 Writing Classes #2231
Beyond grammar and vocabulary, a knowledge of intercultural rhetoric—how culture impacts communication—can help students create dynamic and powerful English texts. This workshop demonstrates how an awareness of cultural rhetorical models can help students produce meaningful texts in English. The workshop will draw from research in contrastive rhetoric and comparative linguistics and the presenter’s experience creating local English materials to provide a practical workshop for educators wishing to incorporate rhetorical studies in the classroom.
Reflections on ESAP Curriculum Design for Engineering and Science Students #2065
Globalization in Japanese higher education scientific fields has created a need to address specialized English language learning within regular programs. This poster chronicles the principal stages of development and reflective process undertaken to construct a vertically integrated ESAP program utilizing collaboratively designed courses and materials based on authentic sources. By employing this type of program model, we aim to enhance learning outcomes and scaffold students’ comprehension and application of content in their chosen fields.
An Approach to Note Taking That Encourages Higher-Order Thinking #1942
This presentation will introduce an approach to note taking that encourages the use of higher-order thinking skills. In this approach, students write notes about their experiences that relate to the content of lectures rather than taking verbatim notes. Examples of students’ notes will be shown and advice on how to implement this approach will be given.
Is Zoom Communicative? A Student Survey of Online Language Learning #2199
This mixed-methods research undertook a comparison of students’ attitudes to various aspects of communicative language learning in both classroom and online settings. The findings show that students clearly prefer in-class language learning. They associated communicative language learning with spoken interaction, whereas the need to use ICT in online classes diminished the quality of peer-to-peer interactions and had a corresponding adverse effect on their motivation.
Student Reflections on Effectiveness of Shadowing and Listening Practice #2205
This presentation features student comments on surveys after one of three different types of interventions; listening to L1 speakers, shadowing L1 speakers, or shadowing L1 and L2 speakers. We compare the responses to Likert-scale and open questions regarding changes in their confidence in judging English speaking ability (in themselves and others), changes in awareness of phonological features, perceived improvements in speaking ability, and whether the interventions were enjoyable and a good use of class time.
Teaching About Depictions of Japanese in Movies Through Presentations #2213
This presentation will explore a project in which university students created presentations about how Japan and Japanese people are represented in movies around the world. The presentation will explore how the project was put together, issues dealing with racial stereotypes and genre, movies from different countries and common issues with these movies, as well as recommendations for how to run the project well in class.
Evaluating an Extensive Reading Program at a Mid-Level Japanese University #1970
Despite the large body of ER research, there is a paucity of qualitative research that explores the learner thoughts and actions on ER programs or how learners of differing reading proficiency approach ER. This poster presentation focuses on interview data from three first-year Japanese university learners of differing reading ability in an online compulsory ER program during the spring semester of 2020. It concludes with recommendations for implementation of ER programs.
The Use of Negotiation of Meaning Among EFL Learners #2229
Using conversation analysis (CA), a set of conversation data from a pair of Japanese university students was analyzed. The stages of phenomena have been discovered and investigated when students encounter a communication breakdown while discussing an issue in English. This poster presentation will be of interest to those who wish to understand the procedure of how advanced English learners cope with communicative tasks.
How to Survive Teaching a Research Paper #2257
In this workshop, participants will complete a questionnaire about their beliefs concerning teaching a research paper and discuss these beliefs. Next, participants will brainstorm problems students have with research papers, and what decisions instructors must make when organizing a research project. The presenter will guide a discussion and share some recent scholarship. Participants will be provided with a handout of activities to help students develop their skills at writing from research.
Effective Warm-Up Exercises With an Email Magazine #2271
Teachers can help to reduce the affective filters of their students and encourage interest by introducing topical comprehensible input at the beginning of a class. The author writes a daily email magazine in simple English which serves this purpose. Using recursive exercises involving listening, reading silently, and shadowing, the teacher can ensure that students focus on meaning while promoting basic language skills.
University Students’ Attitudes Towards Online Learning During COVID-19 #2023
This study explores students’ attitudes, behaviour, and self-motivation towards learning online during the COVID-19 pandemic. Japanese students at a university in Hiroshima were asked to respond to a questionnaire about their opinion on different aspects of online education during the ongoing pandemic. Responses from 125 students were received. While students felt that they learn better in physical classrooms, their concerns lay in three general areas: engaged learning, agency, and assessment.
Getting Young Learners Excited About Reading With STEAM Projects #2301
These days, it seems extremely challenging to get students interested in reading; there’s just so much competition from digital media for young learners’ attention. But teachers are aware that an early, positive experience with reading can help provide learners with vital input and a foothold for learning English. In this workshop, participants will look at how hands-on projects can be used to make non-fiction reading more interesting and engaging for young learners.
Perspectives on Accessible Language Learning in the Post-pandemic Classroom #2290
The move to online learning forced teachers to reconsider their pedagogies and how to provide equal educational opportunities for all learners. The virtual classroom created both challenges and opportunities for accommodating diverse needs. This forum provides a platform for discussions regarding accessible language learning in the post-pandemic classroom. Topics include special needs, learner diversity, universal design, and accessible LMS pedagogies. The goal is to raise awareness of learning differences and build an accessibility support network.
Literature and Global Citizenship in the Language Classroom #2261
This presentation discusses the role and practical use of literature in the language classroom within the framework of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) for curriculum developers. First, relevant literary texts will be introduced in relation to specific goals and analysed with reference to learner level suitability. Next, authentic classroom activities and assessments that may increase effective learner engagement, as well as their awareness of global issues, will be explored.
Metaphorical Vocabulary Use in English as a Medium of Instruction Courses #2058
Metaphor is an important feature of academic discourse that is used in a range of disciplines to express abstract concepts. For example, economics makes frequent use of health metaphors (the economy is ailing/thriving). This presentation reports on the findings of a corpus study to identify common metaphors across a range of disciplines. The presenter will discuss the use of metaphor in various disciplines and teaching materials to develop awareness of metaphorical vocabulary.
CLIL Research in Japanese Universities: A Scoping Review #2157
CLIL is a growing trend in Japanese universities yet published research is scarce. This presentation details a scoping review conducted on this research space. After describing the methodology, the session covers research trends, foci, findings, and gaps identified in the selected studies (N = 47). Results indicate numerous practice-based descriptive studies while empirical studies are atypical, meaning detailed reportable findings are rare. The session finishes by discussing potential enhancements to remedy research space concerns.
Roleplay in Content and Language Integrated Learning: Social Studies #2169
Roleplaying activities are commonly used to teach social studies in the United States and other countries, and they can offer new perspectives for transforming content-based EFL courses (CLIL) in Japan to make them more accessible and fun. This presentation will introduce two roleplaying activities which were used in a university-level American Studies course. Attendees will participate in these adventurous activities and learn a roleplaying template they can use to enhance their own content-based classes.
Insights Into Interaction: How to Encourage Better Peer Communication #2337
Surveys of English language teachers around the world have reported that teachers find it difficult to make speaking happen. While the need for interaction is frequently acknowledged, educators have reported great difficulty in implementing it successfully in their lessons. This session will look at common misunderstandings about communicative interaction, the teacher’s role in making interaction happen, and practical, evidence-informed solutions to problems teachers may face when trying to get students to communicate in the classroom.
Providing Feedback for Written English: A Summary of Preferred Methods #2101
This presentation will offer insight into what students feel is useful for feedback on written work in English. A variety of methods for providing feedback to students will be explained, indicating which methods are preferred and most referred to during subsequent revisions of work. Understanding how students engage with feedback can help instructors prioritize methods of dissemination and improve efficiency, while keeping students focused and motivated.
Gathering Students’ Perspectives on Anecdotes and L2 Identity Formation #2158
Stories have been used educationally, including in second language classrooms. This presentation will introduce a pilot study on identity formation through student-told anecdotes. Qualitative research was conducted in which English majors at a Japanese university presented a personal story after receiving lessons on narrative structure and vocal modulation. Results from a narrative frames questionnaire and students’ perspectives on the anecdote project will be discussed. Ideas for improving student-told anecdotes will be demonstrated.
Cancelled Successful Showcasing: A Student Showcase & Film Festival, PIE SIG 2/20/21 #2175
In a one-day online conference, The 2nd Performance in Education: Research & Practice Conference/Student Showcase/Film Festival (February 20, 2021), more than 120 students participated by showing performances, presentations, and films they created. In this workshop, learn how to prepare your students to demonstrate their creativity and abilities to wider audiences. Also, learn about a variety of upcoming opportunities to showcase your students or how to create your own student showcasing event.
New Perspectives of Study Abroad #2322
In this SA SIG Forum, presenters will share new perspectives they are practicing, which includes dealing with the ongoing pandemic. Stephen M. Ryan will offer a perspective on the encounter with difference from a brain science. Saul Takahashi and Richard Miller will share a potential model of web based international programmes. Masaki Seo will share the possibilities of challenges of e-tandem learning project. More detailed abstracts of each presentation can be found at SA SIG website (
A Mixed-Methods Comparison of Text-Based and Graphic Novels #2122
A recent increase in the popularity and selection of English language graphic novels has yet to significantly impact EFL pedagogy. Does the combination of text and visuals have a positive impact on story comprehension, vocabulary intake, and overall satisfaction? This research, comparing students reading either the text or graphic novel version of The Babysitters Club, indicates it does. Test data and survey results show the value of using graphic novels compared to only text.
Creative Writing – A Novel Process for EFL Success #2321
Extensive reading and creative writing are two activities that can be both enjoyable and motivating for students. With the objective of combining the two, a semester-long project was piloted in which students were tasked with writing their own graded readers. Despite multiple challenges, the result was successful. The presenters will discuss the process that was used, share some samples, and explain how the project will be expanded in the future.
Diagnosing Reading in a Foreign Language: How Do We Get There? #2343
This workshop introduces a framework for diagnosing foreign language reading skills (Alderson et al., 2015). The session will cover the foregrounding principles and stages in diagnostic testing: observation, initial assessment, hypothesis testing, decision making and feedback. By looking at individual student differences and bottom-up reading processes, teachers can identify learner strengths and weaknesses to support them in reading challenges and development opportunities. Tasks from various diagnostic tools will be trialed through experiential learning activities.
Practical Ideas to Stop Cognitive Bias Sabotaging Critical Thinking Tasks #2143
It has become increasingly evident that to achieve the key goal of critical thinking instruction and facilitate clear, rational, and open-minded student thinking, teachers need to address the potentially negative effects of cognitive bias on their critical thinking tasks by implementing debiasing frameworks and strategies. Based on the body of research regarding debiasing, this workshop explains easy-to-implement ideas and frameworks for teachers of all levels to debias their critical thinking tasks.
Cancelled CLIL in Higher Education: A Digitally-Enhanced Framework #2284
This workshop aims to illustrate how transformative and collaborative digitally-enhanced practices can be designed, in keeping with a design for learning approach fostering students’ active learning and agency (Goodyear 2015; Rapanta et al. 2020), to implement online CLIL (Content and Language Integrated learning) courses at the tertiary level. To this purpose, a digitally-enhanced framework developed from a pedagogy of care perspective (Jackson 2021) and suitable for designing flexible online CLIL courses will be presented.
Compete, Cooperate, Communicate! Escape Room Activities for the Classroom #2129
In need of some escapism? Turning a classroom, or even a breakout room, into an escape room instantly engages students with fascinating tasks and challenges. Puzzle-based learning gets students communicating and actively participating in class. From simple puzzles to more complex missions, students are immersed in activities that build teamwork, creativity, problem-solving and other real world skills. Fiona is an escape room creator and enthusiast, and author of 2021 ELTon awards finalist Escape the Classroom.
Developing Multi-Word Expression Knowledge and Use: A Fluency Workshop #2051
Speaking fluency is a common language learning goal, and fluency has been linked with the use of multi-word expressions. The effectiveness of a fluency workshop to increase learner knowledge, spoken use and fluency with multi-word expressions (for example: “I think I will” and “would you like to”) will be reported. Teachers can expect practical ideas for building learner knowledge and use of multi-word expressions using the interactive workshop activities in both face-to-face and online classrooms.
Reflecting on the Value of an Instructional EFL Academic Debate Rubric #2216
This presentation reflects on an instructional rubric created for an undergraduate academic debate course. The rubric was adapted from an existing model for formative feedback and assessment purposes. Key design features in relation to the teaching context are examined before discussing how the rubric was administered to provide performance benchmarks, communicate student progress, and support in-class activities. All analysis, interpretations, and suggested improvements derive from the presenter’s reflections, end-of-course survey data, and students’ informal feedback.
A New Perspective on Teaching and Evaluating: Reflections on a New Method #2227
This presentation provides two new perspectives about language teaching on TBLT, Living Newspaper Readers Theatre (LNRT), and a way for almost instantaneous reflection on student performance (cloud-based feedback). The presentation will first describe what LNRT is, and how to effectively give immediate online feedback about both style and form of performances. Most importantly, we will describe research conducted on LNRT and cloud-based feedback. We will end with reflection by attendees.
Case Method: The 21st Century EFL Pedagogy? #2279
To cultivate higher order thinking skills and 21st century skills such as the 4Cs, the author proposes that it is promising to apply the principles of the case method (Ellet, 2018), which is widely practiced at business schools. The presentation introduces how the author applied the ideas and conducted a case teaching session in general English reading classes. It also explains students’ reaction to it in terms of fostering 21st century skills.
Linking a Storytelling Course to the CEFR CV #2182
Storytelling is often utilized within the classroom as it has the ability to combine numerous skills in an engaging manner. This presentation examines the rationale for developing a university course based on storytelling and students’ perspectives on its contents, framing both topics in the context of the CEFR CV. This analysis utilizes concepts from selected descriptive scales to illustrate challenges and opportunities using this medium to help students improve their creative and communicative skills.
A Trial of Communicative Academic Writing With Remote Learning on an LMS #2015
Remote learning in 2020 has increased student anxiety of learning academic writing at a university level. This study explores the effectiveness of interactions using a learning management system (LMS) during process writing to develop their writing skills and their understanding of the essay topic: remote learning. The research findings show that the LMS enabled class collaboration to promote writing skills and content understanding which resulted in reduced stress in the academic writing courses.
Pen or Keyboard? The Impact of Task Modality on Writing Fluency Development #2045
Although fluency writing tasks are commonly used in EFL courses, research that is helpful in setting fluency development goals is limited. We investigated fluency development and the impact of modality (typing and handwriting) over one semester. Results suggest that modality affects both the amount produced and the rate of growth.
Developing Third-Age Learners’ Speaking Skills Based on CLT #2152
This workshop focuses on the use of CLT in a group of Japanese senior citizens, here termed third-age learners. In this workshop, each presenter will relate their experiences in teaching their third-age learner classes. They will explain how the learners differ from younger learners and how they adapted their classroom activities to allow for those differences. They will also demonstrate some activities and explain the results they achieved in their research project.
An Investigation on Student Perspectives of Online Learning #2266
Is teaching via zoom here to stay? The presenter will share quantitative and qualitative research of student attitudes of online learning after 2020. Participants were all university students in the same course. While some students found online learning ineffective, there were a number of compelling positive points. This presentation will share what learning online was like from a student’s perspective, useful tips to minimize cheating, and effective strategies to deal with students suspected of cheating.
In-Person to Online and Back Again: Effective Classroom Tools and Practices #2024
Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, instructors globally have struggled with how to effectively use online tools and features to help their students. Now, as in-person classes resume, the question is how to effectively utilize what was developed online in the physical classroom. This presentation will outline measures taken to improve students’ online experience of a first-year writing program and describe practices we will continue after the move back to in-person instruction.
Improving Student Motivation With SMART Goals #2127
In this practice based session, the presenter will introduce the concept of SMART goals, and explain how they can be used to help students set realistic and attainable goals for their individual learning. The presenter will explain their use of goal setting activities in a university EFL classroom with Japanese students, and how these activities can improve motivation and promote student autonomy.
Traditional Versus Online Extensive Reading at the University Level #2170
Many extensive reading programs faced difficulties when classes moved online during the COVID-19 pandemic as it became difficult or impossible for students to borrow physical books from a library. In response, interest surged in entirely online extensive reading programs, which brought new challenges. This presentation will compare student and instructor experiences with traditional and online graded reader systems, with reference to a survey given to students who had used both the traditional and the online system.
Reflections on the Pandemic: Coming Back Stronger #2340
The COVID-19 pandemic challenged educators professionally. This session reflects on how the pandemic provided initially unwelcome, yet ultimately rewarding, professional development opportunities, especially regarding technology. This session explores how to improve in-person teaching practices with these newly acquired expertise. Using differentiated instruction theory (Tomlinson, 2005), we will focus on repurposing the methods and materials developed for distance learning to scaffold learning more successfully, assess progress more efficiently, provide more effective remediation, and encourage learner agency.
Online Language Pedagogy: The Synchronous Online Flipped Learning Approach #2029
Best practices in online teaching should include the eight steps of the synchronous online flipped learning approach (SOFLA), a distance learning model which most closely replicates actual classroom teaching. SOFLA includes structured, interactive, multimodal activities, both asynchronous and synchronous, that create fertile spaces for teaching and learning online. Participants will learn how to implement each step and will receive digital resources to guide them in using SOFLA.
Student Perspectives on Obstacles to Classroom Participation #2210
This presentation deals with reasons that some language learners have trouble fully participating in the classroom. Japanese university students filled out questionnaires that asked them which obstacles to participation were most common and which had the most effect. Interviews were then held with selected students, and students discussed ways to deal with the most significant obstacles with the course instructor. The solutions that emerged were compiled into a document that will be shared with participants.
Teaching Game-Based Learning in an EFL Setting #1967
This presentation highlights the implementation of a content and language integrated learning (CLIL) curriculum that was designed to instruct would-be teachers on the principles of game based learning (GBL) within their English language classes. Reasons for doing so stemmed from a desire to go beyond simple ESL instruction and provide students with tools that would better prepare them for their future jobs as teachers. Games used and made by students in class are demonstrated throughout.
Literature Is a Moveable Feast for Language Teachers and Learners #2344
Reading books remains the most reliable and enduring means for learners to get second language input and experience. Beyond this technical (albeit important) characterization, reading narrative literature brings to learners a feast of culture, enjoyment, ideas, and insight. These gifts extend to second language teachers, as these rich texts offer many approaches to instruction. In this talk, the presenter will detail practical ways teachers can guide learners through the many compelling narrative texts available today.
Cancelled Student Attitudes Towards Using Authentic Materials for Extensive Reading #2262
This presentation reports on changes in student attitudes towards the use of authentic materials for extensive reading (ER). An attitudinal survey was done before, during, and after a semester of an academic reading class in which authentic materials were used to replace a graded reader based ER program. Survey results indicate a positive change in student attitudes toward the ability to use authentic materials in English as a means of accessing topics of student interest.
Measuring Engagement in Extensive Reading: Individual vs. Group Activities #2020
This presentation discusses the intent, methods, data, and analyses of a one-semester quantitative investigation examining the question: Does the method (individual vs. group) of selecting a graded reader affect student engagement in an extensive reading (ER) activity? The data collected and analyzed suggests that learner engagement in ER-related activities is affected by whether the individual or group chooses the reader.
Flip It: An Exploration on Flipping an Online ESL Classroom #2140
Flipped instruction is popular in STEM courses, but it also fits in an ESL classroom. This presentation will explore the advantages and disadvantages of flipped instruction as well as how to incorporate it in an online classroom. The presenter will offer teachers a variety of online tools they can use such as YouTube and Quizizz.
Cancelled EFL Teachers’ Self-Concepts and Implementation of CLT in Rural Japan #2038
This study explores how language teachers in senior high schools in rural Japan have perceived and implemented communicative language teaching as well as other approaches to teaching. Four Japanese teachers of English, who had been teaching in public high schools in southern Japan for more than ten years, participated. Data were analysed thematically using the framework of language teachers’ conceptual change (Kubanyiova, 2012). In the presentation, I will discuss context-specific challenges and practical implications.
Best Practices of Teaching Academic Writing Online for the New Normal #2347
This presentation’s focus is on best practices for teaching academic writing based on formative and summative feedback in an integrated writing process and reflection on standard writing pedagogy. By suggesting how these strategies of the past can be reframed in a digital context and combined for both asynchronous and synchronous learning opportunities, it explores the new normal in a post-COVID world where online learning, or at least hybrid learning contexts, are here to stay.
Reflections on Group Work Dynamics in University Active Learning Classes #2116
A common prerequisite of active learning content classes is preparation work before each lesson. How do educators deal with university students who are not required to do such work for non-active learning classes and are unwilling to comply? What are the best types of group composition for effective student learning? These questions will be addressed, students’ perspectives and solutions will be presented, and the audience will be invited to contribute suggestions.
Boosting Compassion Through Applied Improv #1962
Exercises from improvisational theater have gained attention in educational fields for their capacity to promote empathy and communication skills among learners. The presenter will first describe a study that sought to identify whether use of applied improv exercises boosted Japanese university students’ compassion scores. Attendees will then be able to experience several of these fun and simple exercises and games, which can be done in both face-to-face and Zoom classes.
Changing Methodologies? #2057
What teaching techniques are being used by Japanese teachers of English in high schools? To what extent are these techniques achieving the goals set by MEXT? What can be done to improve the quality of English language teaching in Japan? All these questions and more will be answered in this presentation of an exciting and innovative research project conducted in high schools across Japan in 2020.