Gregory (Greg) Rouault
Hiroshima Shudo University
Greg Rouault studied Applied Linguistics at Macquarie University. With Stuart McLean, he co-authored a 2017 paper in System on reading fluency development featured by Nation and Waring (2020) as one of “the most important studies on extensive reading in a foreign language.” Other publications have appeared in The Reading Matrix, The Language Teacher, and ERJ (Extensive Reading in Japan). His research interests include ER; mind, brain, & education science; and task-based simulations for business English.Sessions
Language Skills The Fundamentals of Reading: New Perspectives for the Future of ER more
Sat, Nov 13, 14:05-14:30 Asia/Tokyo
Extensive reading (ER) research provides evidence for gains in fluency, vocabulary, and motivation. Practitioner reflections show that ER is underpinned largely by Krashen’s comprehensible input hypothesis and a whole-word approach. However, what about learners for whom ER is not working? To introduce a new perspective, this presentation highlights three fundamentals—the science of how we read, individual differences, and bottom-up reading processes—and invites a query into the future of ER and reading research.

Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy Diagnosing Reading in a Foreign Language: How Do We Get There? more
Sun, Nov 14, 15:25-16:25 Asia/Tokyo
This workshop introduces a framework for diagnosing foreign language reading skills (Alderson et al., 2015). The session will cover the foregrounding principles and stages in diagnostic testing: observation, initial assessment, hypothesis testing, decision making and feedback. By looking at individual student differences and bottom-up reading processes, teachers can identify learner strengths and weaknesses to support them in reading challenges and development opportunities. Tasks from various diagnostic tools will be trialed through experiential learning activities.

Teacher and Professional Development CUE Professional Development Forum more
Sat, Nov 13, 18:00-19:30 Asia/Tokyo
Being a Successful Academic Reader: How to Systematize Your Reading Practices, by presenters John Campbell-Larsen and Cameron Romney. This workshop will show methods the presenters have developed to meet the challenges of academic reading, and will invite participants to reflect on their own reading. Getting the Upper (APA) Hand: A W5 Workshop on Proofreading, by presenter: Greg Rouault. Proofreading is important for authors and researchers and vastly different than correcting students’ writing.