
Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy College & University Education Research-Oriented Short Presentation

Intercultural Competence Development in Monocultural EFL Classrooms

Sun, Nov 14, 11:25-11:50 Asia/Tokyo

Location: Room 10

This presentation will discuss results from a longitudinal study aimed at investigating intercultural competence development in largely monocultural, foreign language classrooms. Particular attention will be given to the development of core intercultural competence components, namely curiosity, openness, and respect, as well as an awareness of local and global issues. The presenter will discuss results of pre- and post-intervention surveys, reflective journals, and focus group discussions collected over one semester among 180 EFL university students.

  • Ana Sofia Hofmeyr

    Ana is a lecturer at Kansai University. She has a PhD in Human Sciences and her research focuses on intercultural competence development among domestic students through internationalisation-at-home initiatives.