Jackson Koon Yat Lee
Toyo University
Jackson Koon Yat Lee is a Hong Kong-born Canadian who has taught in Japan since 2012. He is a lecturer at Toyo University, and his research interests include presentation skills, intercultural communication, diversity in ELT, and the Japanese English education system. 📧 lee@toyo.jpSessions
Sociopolitical Issues in Language Instruction Reflections and New Perspectives on Gender Awareness more
Sun, Nov 14, 10:45-12:15 Asia/Tokyo
This is the Forum of the gender awareness in language education SIG. Speakers represent a wide range of research and perspectives on gender awareness in language education within the SIG and the organization of JALT as a whole. Presenters will engage in discussion of the importance of gender issues within the language teaching profession.

Teacher and Professional Development Climbing the University Teaching Ladder: Entry-Level to Tenured Positions more
Sun, Nov 14, 12:05-13:05 Asia/Tokyo
ALTs and Eikaiwa teachers in Japan may find themselves limited in future career choices, while entry to university positions can be intimidating and seemingly out of reach. This presentation aims to make this option more transparent to educators interested in exploring this career path. The presenters provide practical suggestions on preparations/steps for obtaining university positions, as well as skills useful in advancing a career within the university system towards procuring a tenured position.

Teacher and Professional Development Attracting ALTs for Organizational Diversity and Sustainability more
Sun, Nov 14, 14:45-16:15 Asia/Tokyo
Although there are many ALTs in Japan, they are not well-represented within JALT’s membership. JALT and similar organizations can benefit from the diversity and flexibility that ALTs could bring, while ALTs can benefit from the professional development opportunities offered by such organizations. This panel discussion features current and former ALTs who will discuss what drew them to such organizations, how ALTs have contributed, and what organizations can do to recruit ALTs.

Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy Performance in Education SIG Forum more
Sat, Nov 13, 10:45-12:15 Asia/Tokyo
The performance in education (PIE) SIG forum will feature a series of mini presentations and performances with a number of PIE practitioners who are enthusiastic about bringing performative elements into their language classrooms. The forum will focus on the reflections of performance assisted learning (PAL) activities that were carried out during the pandemic and new perspectives towards the next academic year. The presenters are looking forward to seeing you in this informative and entertaining forum!

Teacher and Professional Development Equity in JALT: Sharing Our Vision more
Fri, Nov 12, 17:30-19:00 Asia/Tokyo
The ability to demonstrate one’s familiarity with diversity and equity practices (DEP) is a great asset on the job market. In this workshop, three members of the JALT DEP Committee will share their expertise in three areas of common concern among JALT members: hiring practices, harassment prevention, and accountability, both personal and organizational. After short presentations on these three areas to establish common ground, participants will be invited to join the group of their choice to discuss related issues. We will then regroup at the end, and each group will share the fruits of their discussion.