Andrew Gallacher
Kyushu Sangyo University
Andrew Gallacher is a full-time lecturer at Kyushu Sangyo University. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology and Computer Science and a Master’s Degree of Applied Linguistics and English Language Teaching. His research interests include: computer assisted language learning (CALL), sociolinguistics, game based learning (GBL) and humor. Andrew can be reached at: andrewgallacher28@gmail.com.Sessions
Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy Teaching Game-Based Learning in an EFL Setting more
Mon, Nov 15, 11:25-11:50 Asia/Tokyo
This presentation highlights the implementation of a content and language integrated learning (CLIL) curriculum that was designed to instruct would-be teachers on the principles of game based learning (GBL) within their English language classes. Reasons for doing so stemmed from a desire to go beyond simple ESL instruction and provide students with tools that would better prepare them for their future jobs as teachers. Games used and made by students in class are demonstrated throughout.

Technology PronouncePro: A Smartphone Application for English Pronunciation Study more
Mon, Nov 15, 12:45-13:10 Asia/Tokyo
Introducing PronouncePro: a smartphone application used for the study of English pronunciation and related data gathering. In this presentation, audience members will be guided through the app while presenters discuss the decision making process involved in its development. Finally, attendees will be asked to discuss the potential of PronouncePro as both a resource for study and as a research tool. This feedback will help to improve upon future versions of PronouncePro.