Joseph Shaules


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Psychology & Language Learning Transformative Language Learning: Disruption, Emergence, and Growth more

Sun, Nov 14, 13:25-14:25 Asia/Tokyo

This workshop explores the transformative language learning (TLL) perspective and its implications for foreign language pedagogy. TLL focuses on learner growth and development and contrasts with the mentalist view of learning common in SLA. The workshop will cover theory and practice. There will be a review of key concepts: engagement, resistance, and emergence; an introduction of the linguaculture learning profiler; and a discussion of pedagogical practice that can lead to transformative learning experiences.

Joseph Shaules

Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy Successful Presentations Through Content-Based Learning more

Sat, Nov 13, 14:45-15:45 Asia/Tokyo

To encourage student self-expression, meaningful topics are needed. Yet what makes topics deeply engaging? How can educators motivate students to think critically and express their views? This presentation shows how content-based learning can lead to successful presentations. Presenters discuss topic choice, learners’ personal point of view, and supporting students with step-by-step scaffolding. How this can be done online is also discussed.

Joseph Shaules Junko Yamanaka