Satsuki McNeill
I have been teaching English to various age groups from young to senior learners for more than 25 years. Recently, I completed my MA TESOL at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies, conducting Action Research with those senior learners (called third-age learners) as the focus of my graduation project.Sessions
Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy Developing Third-Age Learners’ Speaking Skills Based on CLT more
Sun, Nov 14, 19:20-19:45 Asia/Tokyo
This workshop focuses on the use of CLT in a group of Japanese senior citizens, here termed third-age learners. In this workshop, each presenter will relate their experiences in teaching their third-age learner classes. They will explain how the learners differ from younger learners and how they adapted their classroom activities to allow for those differences. They will also demonstrate some activities and explain the results they achieved in their research project.