Sarah Deutchman

Waseda University


Sarah Miyoshi Deutchman teaches at Waseda University as a part-time lecturer. She has taught English for over 10 years in three different countries: her native America, South Korea, and Japan. Her areas of research include data-driven learning, corpus linguistics, and vocabulary. Email:


Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy Using Corpora to Create Academic Writing Assignments more

Fri, Nov 12, 15:15-16:45 Asia/Tokyo

Quite often universities require students to write academic essays that students might not be prepared for. Having an assignment sheet with grammatical patterns and commonly used words makes it easier for students to write the required essays. The workshop will focus on creating an assignment sheet for an academic writing topic: this includes vocabulary, collocations, colligations, and patterns. The vocabulary list, collocations, colligations, and frames would come from corpora. It is not necessary to have prior knowledge on how to do searches using corpora as they will be explained in the workshop step by step.

Sarah Deutchman