
Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy College & University Education Research-Oriented Short Presentation

Art and Artists in the EFL Classroom

Pre-recorded Video
Sat, Nov 13, 18:00-18:25 Asia/Tokyo

Location: Room 11

This presentation discusses the use of artworks as teaching materials in the EFL classroom. Students at a Japanese art university participated in the study over three semesters. Qualitative data was collected through student essays and participatory responses, suggesting that narrative representational paintings increased student participation, engagement, and motivation. Improvement in vocabulary acquisition and descriptive writing was also noted. The study was motivated by curiosity about the visual arts and their possible roles in EFL.

  • Brennan Conaway

    Brennan is an EFL instructor at Chuo University-Faculty of Global Management and Tokai University-Language Education Center. When he’s not in the classroom, Brennan is either in the ocean, trying to catch some waves, or in the studio, attempting to make some art.

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Hi Everyone,
Thanks for watching the presentation!

We think Art in the EFL classroom is an exciting idea, and we're forming a JALT special interest group to bring together a community of artists, researchers and teachers to explore that idea.

Art, Research, and Teaching SIG (ART SIG) is being organized by Brennan Conaway, Eric Luong, and William Hall.

Please take a look at our Facebook page:

Interested? Intrigued? How about signing our petition? No commitment...we're just trying to see who might be interested in the ART SIG:


We're looking forward to hearing from you!



Art and Artists in the EFL Classroom