Atama-ii Books is a publisher of premium ELT materials based in Tokyo. Our books have won multiple international awards, including the 2019 ELTon for coursebook innovation and several of the Extensive Reading Foundation Language Learner Literature awards.

About Atama-ii Books
This year we are launching a new romance-themed reader series that will soon be available on Xreading and other digital platforms, as well as in print.
Contact Atama-ii Books
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Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy
Widgets Inc.: A Task-Based Course in Workplace English, 2nd Ed.
Widgets is the first commercial course to successfully apply a principled, “strong” approach to TBLT. It features a task-complexity syllabus, highly contextualized tasks and projects, and an engaging real-world-like simulation. It is flexible enough to use as a general communication course or within international studies, business English, and STEM related departments. It is especially well suited to mixed-ability classes of 12-24 students. Winner of the 2018 ELTon Award for Course Innovation. Presented by the authors.
What If...? Series
Easy English love stories... with a twist!

Multi-path Series
Easy English adventures with 8 different endings!

Widgets Inc.: A task-based course in workplace English
International top ELT book award of 2019!