Chhayankdhar Singh Rathore
Konan Women's University
Chhayankdhar Singh Rathore is a lecturer in the Department of English for Global Communication in the Faculty of Global Studies at Konan Women's University. He currently serves as the Co-coordinator of the Performance in Education (PIE) SIG. His areas of interest include performance in education, language acquisition, TESOL, CLIL, sociolinguistics, and World Englishes. Within performance in education, he is involved in the use of process drama, roleplays, debate, and presentation in English language classrooms.Sessions
Teacher and Professional Development Moving Through and Moving On: Pivot, Reflect, Develop, and Grow more
Fri, Nov 12, 17:00-18:30 Asia/Tokyo
The turbulence of the 2020 academic year onwards has taught us how to react, reflect, and respond. Reacting to the abrupt pivot from face-to-face classes to online. And back again. Yet simultaneously serving as lighthouses for students by providing stability in a world of uncertainty by developing coping mechanisms and renewing our professional skill set. This workshop provides a platform in which teachers can reflect upon their experiences with teaching during the pandemic and how they overcame these herculean challenges through discussions and reflective dialogues. These discussions and dialogues will be divided into four sections – pivot, reflect, develop, and grow.

Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy Talking COVID-19: Facilitating Student Wellbeing Via Process Radio Drama more
Sat, Nov 13, 15:25-16:25 Asia/Tokyo
Studies in the field of psychology have shown that expressive tasks, which include talking and narrative writing, can enable adjustment to stressors (Lepore et al., 2000; Pennebaker & Seagal, 1999). Based on these theories, the teacher-researcher invited students to engage with the topic of COVID-19 by creating short performances on the topic via a new technique: process radio drama. This presentation will share data of 30 students from this project.

Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy Performance in Education SIG Forum more
Sat, Nov 13, 10:45-12:15 Asia/Tokyo
The performance in education (PIE) SIG forum will feature a series of mini presentations and performances with a number of PIE practitioners who are enthusiastic about bringing performative elements into their language classrooms. The forum will focus on the reflections of performance assisted learning (PAL) activities that were carried out during the pandemic and new perspectives towards the next academic year. The presenters are looking forward to seeing you in this informative and entertaining forum!