
Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy College & University Education Research-Oriented Short Presentation

CLIL Research in Japanese Universities: A Scoping Review

Sun, Nov 14, 14:05-14:30 Asia/Tokyo

Location: Room 10

CLIL is a growing trend in Japanese universities yet published research is scarce. This presentation details a scoping review conducted on this research space. After describing the methodology, the session covers research trends, foci, findings, and gaps identified in the selected studies (N = 47). Results indicate numerous practice-based descriptive studies while empirical studies are atypical, meaning detailed reportable findings are rare. The session finishes by discussing potential enhancements to remedy research space concerns.

  • Michael Griffiths

    Michael is a PhD candidate at the Graduate School of Intercultural Studies, Kobe University and a Lecturer at the Institute for Language and Culture, Konan University. His research is on Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) at the tertiary level in Japan with a focus on learner writing development.