Sessions / Sociopolitical Issues in Language Instruction

Cultural Representation Analysis in Foreign Language Activities Textbooks #2034

Pre-recorded Video
Time Not Set

This study analyzed the current Foreign Language Activities textbooks copyrighted by MEXT and examined how they aim to equip students with communication skills in a response to globalizing society, with particular emphasis on foreign cultural representation. This study employed Yuen’s (2011) model to analyze the textbooks. It was found that a disproportionate number of non-Japanese countries and areas were represented, and the unbalanced cultural aspect representations were seen in the textbooks.

Reflections on Traditional ‘TESOL’ Curricula and New Perspectives #2407

Fri, Nov 12, 20:00-21:00 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Plenary Session #1

The globalisation of the English language raises several questions about how to prepare English language learners in today’s globalised world. Leading scholars to call for a further paradigm shift. In this talk, I explore research in the field of Global Englishes that calls for new perspectives to ensure TESOL curricula match the new sociolinguistic landscape of the 21st century. I end with an examination of Global Englishes technological innovations and a new innovative online network.

Exploring LGBTQ+ Pedagogy in Japanese University Classrooms #1961

Sat, Nov 13, 10:45-11:10 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 13

Queer pedagogy is an approach to ELT that aims to foster an inclusive environment for all students (and teachers) to freely express their ideas and identities. In this interactive workshop we will share our experiments of introducing both explicit and implicit examples of queer pedagogy in our classes and then invite participants to share their own ideas, lesson plans, and experiences of promoting an LGBTQ+-friendly approach to English teaching and learning.

The Impact of ERT on Part-Time Teachers’ Wellbeing #2176

Sat, Nov 13, 11:25-12:25 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 13

The COVID-19 pandemic created upheaval for Japanese universities as they faced the necessity of shifting to emergency remote teaching on short notice. The sudden shift had a traumatic impact on the wellbeing of part-time language teachers. This presentation will discuss case-study data from six part-time teachers, indicating how occupational and personal factors affected their wellbeing. The presenters will also argue for greater institutional support for part-time teachers.

Ethnography of Language Policy: Methodology and Research Applications #2128

Sat, Nov 13, 12:45-13:10 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 13

The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the research methodology of ethnography of language policy (ELP). ELP applications are not limited to educational settings, and can investigate language policies in families, in companies, and multilingual workplaces. The presenter will explain the steps of how to conduct an ethnography of language policy and offer advice on possible pitfalls. Examples from an ongoing study will be used to help illustrate important features and possible problems.

Teaching about Male Privilege in the Japanese Classroom #2402

Sat, Nov 13, 12:45-13:45 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 03

With so many students believing that women-only carriages during rush hour are a form of reverse discrimination against men, teaching about male privilege in today’s climate can be challenging. This talk will unpack effective ways in which we can introduce the concept of privilege and male privilege in a Japanese university course without raising defensiveness.

Studying Ainu and Maori Studies in English: Effects on Indigenous Empathy #1999

Sat, Nov 13, 12:45-13:45 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 21

This poster session will discuss survey results showing that after taking an English as a medium of instruction (EMI) Ainu and Maori Studies course, students felt they became not only more knowledgeable about the course aims, but were more sensitive to discrimination, the importance of indigenous rights, and the need for society to learn more about indigenous cultures. Presentation participants will be invited to discuss the conclusions and the topic in general.

The Emics of Non-Native Speakers #2042

Sat, Nov 13, 13:25-14:55 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 13

Whose English is it anyway? This is the insider view of the collective experiences of so-called non-native speakers teaching in Japan. They will explore issues of gender, institutional requirements, ageism, student-parent-and teacher attitudes, and appearance. Panelists include a junior high school teacher, a senior high school teacher, a university instructor, a teacher trainer, and a teacher-researcher who works specifically on this topic. This forum aims to raise awareness and encourage more voices from within.

Gender and Ethnicity in MEXT Approved Textbooks #2185

Sat, Nov 13, 15:25-15:50 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 13

In Japan, many Ministry of Education (MEXT) approved foreign language textbooks are written by textbook committees predominated by middle-aged Japanese males. Thus, it is reasonable to examine how textbooks may inadvertently contribute to cultural prejudices and personal biases that learners absorb as a byproduct of study. This analysis of MEXT approved textbooks for elementary school learners uncovered disturbing (yet unsurprising) instances of bias and disadvantaged positioning. Recommendations for addressing these issues are included.

Portraying Political Struggles in the English-Only Policy for JHS #2180

Sat, Nov 13, 16:05-16:30 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 13

A controversial English-only policy for teaching English was recently introduced to junior high schools. This presentation shows the analysis of the policy-making process, with a focus on policy makers’ differing positions toward English education and the English-only policy. The analysis revealed a complex process in which those positions were conflated in the English-only policy, while the position prioritizing oral communication in English education became prominent, portraying political struggles in developing Japan’s English education policy.

How to Go Beyond Borders: An Online Collaborative Case in Japan and Canada #2124

Sat, Nov 13, 18:00-18:25 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 13

We present the results of an online discussion activity between university students in Japan (N=18) and Canada (N=14) on the topic of racism and its potential impact on our volunteer work. This discussion activity forms part of the training for international student peer supporters for language learning and intercultural understanding in their respective universities. Suggestions for encouraging awareness of racism for university students in language education in Japan will also be discussed.

Cancelled O My Body: Caribbean Teachers’ Experiences with Racism in ELT #2048

Sat, Nov 13, 18:40-19:05 Asia/Tokyo CANCELLED

There is a paucity of scholarly work on Caribbean nationals in the TESOL fraternity. This presentation delves into lived experiences of racism of Anglophone Caribbean teachers on the TESOL job market using the lens of Critical Race Theory. The findings offer sobering insights into how our institutional and teaching practices are complicit in inflicting pain on those racialised as Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour.

What is Japanese Privilege? Privilege Construct in a Japanese Context #2401

Sun, Nov 14, 09:30-10:30 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Plenary Session #4

Is the ‘privilege’ construct effective in Japan? Does the North American construct of white privilege translate to a Japanese context? Returning to Japan after living in the U.S. for 14 years, the speaker will discuss how her positionality shifted from being a racial minority to a racial majority in Japan, and how teaching courses on privilege awareness in Japan led her to important revelations and challenges, with implications for social justice education in Japan.

Reflections and New Perspectives on Gender Awareness #2324

Sun, Nov 14, 10:45-12:15 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 27

This is the Forum of the gender awareness in language education SIG. Speakers represent a wide range of research and perspectives on gender awareness in language education within the SIG and the organization of JALT as a whole. Presenters will engage in discussion of the importance of gender issues within the language teaching profession.

GILE SIG Forum #2335

Sun, Nov 14, 10:45-12:15 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 26

For the 15th successive year, the global issues SIG forum will be an idea-sharing session open to all interested people. This well-received session linked to global issues and international understanding will feature classroom teachers’ mini-reports and innovative ideas on teaching activities, materials writing, and curriculum design. Handouts, lesson plans, and teaching resources will be available to peruse and take home. Come join this unique session! Learn the latest teaching approaches and share your own ideas.

Reducing Presumptions #2404

Sun, Nov 14, 14:05-15:05 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 01

The goal of this workshop is to examine the presumptions we make about other people, particularly people of another race, ethnicity or nationality, but also of other sexual orientation, professions, political affiliations, even age and weight. All come to bear on how we choose to interact with said person. During this session we will: 1- Define presumption 2- Attempt to identify our presumptions 3- If possible, ascertain the root / source of our presumption 4- Ascertain whether said presumption is problematic or not. 5- Establish / Uncover / Utilize Practical ways to reduce our use of presumptions (if it’s called for) Likely we all have done some version of this in our self-assessments, but I’ve found, even in myself, as I’ve conducted this workshop at universities here in Japan, that many problematic presumptions, particularly ones acquired in our formative years, tend to be resilient and will persist to wreak havoc often under the radar. So, let’s pop the hood and see what we see.

Transnational Reflections of NNESTs in the New Normal #2274

Sun, Nov 14, 18:00-19:00 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 21

This study explores the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on Non-Native English Speaker Teachers (NNESTs) in Japan and the Philippines. Qualitative data were collected through a virtual symposium discourse, narrative knowledging forms (Barkhuizen, 2011), and semi-structured Zoom interviews. Thematic analysis revealed three major themes: workplace dilemmas, remote teaching interventions, and mutual help or ‘bayanihan’ during crisis. The findings provide insights into the concerns of NNESTs around issues such as pedagogy, culture, and mental health.

Utilizing Maps as Inspirational Tools in EFL University Classes #1974

Pre-recorded Video
Mon, Nov 15, 10:45-11:10 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 09

For many EFL students, the places where English is spoken are geographically distant. In this context, a risk exists of their language learning experiences occurring in the form of a non-spatialized bubble. To counter this, maps may be used as a tool to inspire a sense of connectedness. This presentation explores undergraduate perceptions across a range of nodes and examines levels of inspiration derived from interactions with maps.

Cancelled Reflective Teaching for Social Justice Education in ELT #2237

Mon, Nov 15, 12:45-13:10 Asia/Tokyo CANCELLED

The goal of this workshop is to help equip participants with a better understanding of social justice education in Japan, develop an awareness of their positionality (worldview), and reflect on what they can do to turn their classrooms into safe spaces for all students. Suggestions for class activities will be shared by the presenter, and participants will also have opportunities for self-reflection and discussion with other participants.

Cancelled Non-Native English-Speaking Teachers as Human Capital #1944

Pre-recorded Video
Mon, Nov 15, 13:25-13:50 Asia/Tokyo CANCELLED

This paper examines the concept of non-native English-speaking teachers (NNESTs) as human capital. In taking up Michel Feher’s call to defy neoliberalization from within, the paper demonstrates how embracing plurilingual language policies can aid NNESTs in their guise as human capital.

Global Englishes Language Teaching and Curricular Innovation #2005

Mon, Nov 15, 14:05-14:30 Asia/Tokyo | LOCATION: Room 09

Are you preparing your students for English interactions in a globalized world? You may consider innovating your teaching practice based on global Englishes language teaching (GELT), which recognizes that English is used as a common language by speakers from diverse lingua-cultural backgrounds. At this presentation, you will learn about GELT and the practicality of GELT curricular innovation according to a study conducted with in-service English teachers. Real-world applications of the research will be discussed.