Sessions / Technology in Teaching Workshop
Teacher and Professional Development
Presentation Design and Delivery for Improved Classroom Lessons
Although educators invest in knowing the content they teach, they may prepare slideshows as visual aids that are ineffective and counterproductive. Text-heavy slides reflect a knowledge-transfer approach instead of a constructivist approach. This workshop will demonstrate slide design from a multimedia learning perspective (Mayer, 2009) that is more effective. Additionally, tips will be given for slideshow delivery. Participants will be encouraged to ask questions and share ideas in this interactive workshop.
Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy
Using Corpora to Create Academic Writing Assignments
Quite often universities require students to write academic essays that students might not be prepared for. Having an assignment sheet with grammatical patterns and commonly used words makes it easier for students to write the required essays. The workshop will focus on creating an assignment sheet for an academic writing topic: this includes vocabulary, collocations, colligations, and patterns. The vocabulary list, collocations, colligations, and frames would come from corpora. It is not necessary to have prior knowledge on how to do searches using corpora as they will be explained in the workshop step by step.
Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy
Feedback, Peer-Evaluation, and Reflective Learning Procedures: An MFL Trinity
In this workshop I will discuss my recent experiences fostering a reflective learning environment via (a) the delivery of accelerated teacher and peer feedback and (b) subsequently requiring students to submit reflections about their learning experiences using cloud computing (G Suite for Education).Outcomes of the workshop should include (1) Awareness of learner-centered pedagogical practices and how to implement them using cloud computing (2) Immediate knowledge of how to apply the Google Education Suite in varied educational settings, and (3) How to better communicate with students.

Language Classroom Content & Pedagogy
Incorporating International Language and Culture Exchanges Into Your Classes
Since 2015 over 25,000 students from 25 countries have participated in the IVEProject, an international online exchange where students use the English they are studying in class to interact with peers around the world. The workshop will showcase the project: the research showing its benefits to linguistic, intercultural and communicative competence; the ways it can be incorporated into your syllabus; and the joy it can bring to students who participate. If you want your students to use the English they are studying in class to interact with others around the world, come to this workshop. It is easy and free-of-charge.