Samantha Kawakami
Shimane University / Matsue Kosen / Sam's English School
Samantha Kawakami lives in Izumo, Shimane-ken, where she has her own school and teaches at Shimane University and Matsue Kosen. She is a bit of a tech geek, who enjoys sharing ideas and making technology accessible to others. Sam was also a member of the JALT2020 online conference Fire Station. And she is managing Room Hosting and the JALT2021 Discord server for JALT2021.Sessions
Technology Microsoft Teams and Class Notebooks: Online and Face-to-Face more
Fri, Nov 12, 15:15-16:45 Asia/Tokyo
Microsoft Teams is a fantastic resource for universities with Office 365 subscriptions. Used in conjunction with software available through the subscription, you can create a rich learning environment. This workshop will go through how to set up and get the most out of a Teams course. Topics include creating a Team and Class Notebook, Teams channels, creating and assessing assignments (quizzes through Forms, attached Office files, the Class Notebook), sharing content with Class Notebooks (videos, individual feedback, handouts), and Teams Meetings. This workshop will give you a clear understanding of Team’s capabilities, limitations, and how to use it.

Non-Teaching Area Wednesday Night Help Desk more
Wed, Nov 10, 20:30-22:00 Asia/Tokyo
If you need help with anything related to JALT2021 come and find your answer. If you want to see the conference platform, even test out your slides, etc., come and do what you need to do. Someone will be on hand to help you. Sessions will be running all week leading up to the conference!

Non-Teaching Area Post EBM Social more
Sun, Nov 14, 20:00-23:00 Asia/Tokyo
Are you all zoomed out? Well, save a little for our post EBM social. You will not regret it!