Dawn Lucovich (ルコヴィッチ ドーン)
The University of Nagano (長野県立大学) / JALT Board of Directors
Assistant Professor at The University of Nagano & President of JALT. Hosts JALT ZPD (Zoom for Professional Development), a free and informal monthly networking event for current and prospective JALT members: bit.ly/ZPDRSVP. Research interests: vocabulary, discourse communities, imagined communities, self-access language tables, linguistic landscapes, leadership development.Sessions
Non-Teaching Area Zoom for Professional Development (ZPD) more
Sat, Nov 13, 14:45-15:45 Asia/Tokyo
Limited to the first 100 people. The ZPD is an informal space to meet, discuss, network, and collaborate in themed breakout rooms (some facilitated), including: New and Prospective Members, First-time Conference Attendees, Online Teaching, Eikaiwa/ALTs, Young Learners, Publishing, Research, Graduate Students, and more. 先着100名様限定 プロフェッショナル・ディベロップメントのためのZoomミーティング(ZDP) は、テーマ別のブレイクアウトルームにて、意見を交わし、共有し、協力するためのインフォーマルな空間です(一部進行役付き)。テーマは、新入会員・入会希望者、初めて大会に参加する方、オンライン教育、英会話・ALT、若年の学習者、出版、研究、 大学院生などです。

Non-Teaching Area JALT Executive Board Meeting (EBM) / 執行役員会 [Pre Q&A: 5:40pm-6:40pm EBM: 6:40pm~] more
Sun, Nov 14, 17:40-19:40 Asia/Tokyo
Chapter, SIG, and National JALT officers will present reports, discuss JALT business, and vote on motions. All JALT officers and committee members are encouraged to attend. All JALT members, especially those interested in becoming officers, are invited to observe the management of JALT business. 各支部、分野別研究部会、全国選出のJALT役員が報告書を提出し、JALTの運営について議論し、議案に投票します。JALTの役員および委員会のメンバーはぜひご出席ください。会員の皆様、特に役員になることに興味のある方は、JALTの運営について見学していただけます。 The EBM will be from 18:40 ~ 19:40, but the room will be open at 17:40 for those who would like to come and ask questions beforehand.

Non-Teaching Area Board of Directors Meet and Greet more
Sat, Nov 13, 12:05-13:05 Asia/Tokyo
What does the board of directors (BoD) do? Who is on the 2021-2022 BoD? How does a member become a director? This informal interactive session will be attended by the current board of directors who will briefly introduce themselves and what they do. The floor will then be open for questions and discussion about the BoD, its members, and their work. Come ready to interact and converse!

Teacher and Professional Development Learning to Become Members and Leaders in a Community of Practice more
Sat, Nov 13, 11:25-11:50 Asia/Tokyo
This presentation examines how newcomers to a community must be initiated into a target discourse community, including learning shared beliefs, values, vocabulary, and processes (Borg, 2003; Swales, 1990). Furthermore, this presentation uses an autoethnographic approach to show an example of becoming an engaged member and leader in a professional community of practice. Finally, this presentation will demonstrate how mentoring, coaching, and orientation are important interventions in a community of practice of academic professionals in Japan.

Non-Teaching Area Reflective Dialogue to Promote Professional Well-Being more
Sun, Nov 14, 12:45-14:15 Asia/Tokyo
The JALT Mentoring & Orientation Committee will hold one-on-one sessions for JALT members registered for JALT International 2021. The 90-minute workshop focuses on enhancing the participants’ professional well-being through the approach of reflective dialogue. The participants will receive a pre-workshop introduction on how to conduct reflective dialogue by watching an introduction video and will be paired up with a partner in the workshop to practice reflective dialogue by having an actual session online.