Erin Noxon
Sagano High School
I've got a Dr. on my name, I'm a Google Certified Innovator, and I teach at Sagano High School in Kyoto. Let's see... I've taught communicative English, life science, integrated science, CLIL science, global studies, and Tech and Media skills during 18+ years of teaching in public schools in the US and Japan. I love doing EdTech professional development (PD) and I am researching EdTech PD, blended learning, and public school EdTech environments. Find me @tesolgeek on Twitter.Sessions
Teacher and Professional Development What Is an Effective EdTech PD Program, and How to Develop and Evaluate One more
Fri, Nov 12, 16:30-17:15 Asia/Tokyo
As the GIGA school program spreads and as during #withCOVID and #postCOVID schools start to more frequently use LMSs and other educational technology for course delivery, there were be more and more professional development (PD) programs offered. This means more people will be called on to deliver effective PD programs. This workshop will go over frameworks based on the actual research on what makes a PD program effective and lasting. We will go over what an effective PD looks like, how to develop one, and then how to evaluate it, ensuring it gets better for the next iteration.

Technology AR, VR, and Other 3D Applications for CLIL Student Research and Learning more
Sat, Nov 13, 15:25-15:50 Asia/Tokyo
Three researchers, two at the university level, and one at a public high school, are continuing to build a community to develop tech skills through AR, VR, and other 3D modelling technologies and to enhance their students’ learning in English. This workshop will go over the development of the technology used in the classroom, the workshop and lectures given to the students, and the development and status of the high school students’ developed research projects.

Teacher and Professional Development Shifting an Entire High School to Emergency Remote Teaching in 24 Hours more
Sun, Nov 14, 13:25-13:50 Asia/Tokyo
This presentation outlines what was learned as my preparations for a year of research into establishing a small professional learning community (PLC) to retain tech knowledge were altered over a 24-hour period when the COVID lockdown was announced. Suddenly I was standing up with administration as the entire school was forced to join my tiny PLC and we rode the wave into Google Classroom as an LMS, developing online conferences and interactions for our students.