Jeffrey L. McEntire

Kanda Institute of Foreign Languages


Here is my pre-recorded presentation "Spiral Upward: A Framework for Engendering Reflective Output":


Learner Development Spiral Upward: A Framework for Engendering Reflective Output more

Sat, Nov 13, 14:05-14:30 Asia/Tokyo

Paul Ricoeur’s “self” expands its self- and world-understanding by 1) encountering the outside or the other, 2) reflecting upon this encounter, and 3) mediating and processing it through the self’s existing identity: spiraling forward. This presentation employs said framework to engender students’ output that reflects their expanded worldview vis-à-vis their lived reality (e.g., hobbies, diet). This three-step process equips them ultimately to reflect upon the insights gained as a result of their encounters.

Jeffrey L. McEntire