Cameron Smith
Aichi Gakuin University
I have been teaching in Japan for 18 years based in Aichi Prefecture, having previously completed a doctorate on health reform in Russia. My research interests are creativity in education, creative writing in a second language and Content and Language Integrated Learning. I am also the editor, the Journal of Literature in Language Teaching, published by the Literature in Language Learning SIG.Sessions
Psychology & Language Learning Creativity in Education: Putting Japan in a Global Context more
Sat, Nov 13, 14:05-15:05 Asia/Tokyo
This presentation puts Japanese policy on creativity in education in a global context. It examines why creativity is receiving increasing attention in education policies around the world, and how far such policies reflect research on creativity. It assesses Japan’s more implicit strategy for creativity, and in particular, its promotion of foreign language education as part of that strategy. It should be of interest to all in Japanese education seeking to encourage creativity in their students.