John Campbell-Larsen
John is professor in the department of English Studies, Kyoto Women's University. His reserach interests include pragmatics, conversation analysis, cognitive linguistics and cross cultural communication. He has presented widely at conferences in Asia, North America and Europe and has published numerous papers and book chapters on ELT, cognitive linguistics, pragmatics and interaction.Sessions
Sociocultural-Linguistics & Pragmatics Analysis of Pre and Post Study Abroad Speaking Skills more
Sun, Nov 14, 14:45-15:10 Asia/Tokyo
This presentation details an analysis of student speaking before and after a period of study abroad in an English-speaking country. Videos of students engaging in spontaneous conversation with classmates were recorded and transcribed. The analysis of Pre- and Post- study abroad data shows changes in both quantitative and qualitative terms. The aim of the presentation is to highlight the development of interactional skills that may be invisible on standardized written tests.

Teacher and Professional Development CUE Professional Development Forum more
Sat, Nov 13, 18:00-19:30 Asia/Tokyo
Being a Successful Academic Reader: How to Systematize Your Reading Practices, by presenters John Campbell-Larsen and Cameron Romney. This workshop will show methods the presenters have developed to meet the challenges of academic reading, and will invite participants to reflect on their own reading. Getting the Upper (APA) Hand: A W5 Workshop on Proofreading, by presenter: Greg Rouault. Proofreading is important for authors and researchers and vastly different than correcting students’ writing.