Sachi Oshima
Tsuda University
I am a research fellow at the Research Institute for Policy Studies, Tsuda University. After working at the Japan Foundation as a chief officer, I am currently a teacher at Tsuda University, Shibaura Institute of Technology, Tamagawa University, and Tokyo Future University. My research interests are related to TESOL and intercultural exchange projects.Sessions
Language Skills Online Explicit Reading Strategy Instruction: Using Two Web Cameras more
Sat, Nov 13, 14:45-15:10 Asia/Tokyo
In Zoom online English lessons, the researcher-teacher conducted explicit instruction in reading strategies by using two web cameras: one showing the teacher’s face, and the other showing her hand and explicitly showing where she was pointing in an English text. This presentation examines how beginner-level university students perceived the online explicit strategy instruction by using two cameras and how it influenced their English reading.