Gabriela Schmidt
Nihon University CHS
Teaching German as a Foreign Language, interested in the CEFR, CEFR/CV, Language Portfolio and its use in Japan and beyond, applied linguistics, pragmatics, intercultural communication, plurilingualism, language and culture.Sessions
Non-Teaching Area OLE SIG Annual General Meeting more
Sat, Nov 13, 12:45-13:30 Asia/Tokyo
This is the annual general meeting of the Other Language Educators SIG.

Japanese and Other Language Teaching & Learning CEFR & LP SIG Annual General Meeting more
Sun, Nov 14, 12:45-13:30 Asia/Tokyo
The CEFR & LP SIG Annual General Meeting will give a report on the SIGs activities in 2021 and discuss the plans for 2022. All current and future members are kindly invited.

Japanese and Other Language Teaching & Learning A CEFR-Informed Action Research Model: Reflecting on the AR Cycle more
Sun, Nov 14, 10:45-12:15 Asia/Tokyo
This Forum will present an ongoing collaborative kaken research project entitled Language Education reform using action research: Putting the CEFR’s educational principles into practice. Project participants will reflect on the research plans they implemented using a CEFR-informed action research model (CARM) developed by the SIG, and on the first and second year workshops, before discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the CARM model and the goals for the third year of the kaken project.

Japanese and Other Language Teaching & Learning International Virtual Exchange Courses and Their Evaluation more
Mon, Nov 15, 10:45-12:15 Asia/Tokyo
This presentation addresses universities’ responses to challenges of study-abroad programs cancelled by COVID-19. Presenter A explains the evaluation role for international virtual exchange courses under the next Monkasho six-year, medium-term plan. Presenter B introduces a five-week virtual mobility tour involving five universities in Southeast Asia. Presenter C reveals how one university created intercultural interaction with virtual tours, in-campus global programs, and digital exchanges. Presenter D explores the role of plurilingual competence related to international exchanges.