
Teacher and Professional Development College & University Education Graduate Student Showcase

Graduate Student Showcase: Macquarie University 1

Sat, Nov 13, 12:45-13:45 Asia/Tokyo

Location: Room 06

This is the graduate student showcase for Macquarie University.

  • Yulia Kharchenko

    I'm interested in multilingual pedagogies and language policies in education. I teach on a Masters of TESOL, and my PhD research is on language identities of international students in Australia.

  • Joshua Wedlock

    I'm Josh, a Ph.D. candidate at Macquarie University. In this presentation, I will be discussing the taboo topic of taboo language. This presentation is based on research I am conducting exploring the attitudes and knowledge Korean English-speaking adults maintain in two different contexts (Australia and Korea). Aside from the pragmatics of taboo language, my research interests include professional development for teachers and vocabulary learning from video.