
Technology College & University Education Research-Oriented Long Presentation

Effectiveness of Feedback in Computer Simulations for Pragmatics Instruction

Sun, Nov 14, 10:45-11:45 Asia/Tokyo

Location: Room 14

This study presents research on the role of feedback types in a computer simulation of an academic advising session that was designed for instruction of refusals and requests. Feedback was operationalized along the dimensions of sociopragmatics (feedback on the overall politeness of a selection in the simulation) and pragmalinguistics (feedback on the forms that contributed to impoliteness). This talk highlights issues with designing computer simulations and presents data on learning outcomes.

  • Paul Richards

    I am a lecturer at Miyazaki International College. I recently finished my PhD in Linguistics and Second Language Studies at Indiana University, Bloomington. I started my position at MIC in 2020, and I am really happy to be here. Prior to starting graduate school, I worked in Miyazaki for five years on the JET program as an ALT at an academic high school for two years and as a CIR/PA for three years. It is really nice to be back in the Zak(i) <- devoiced vowel ;)