Marybeth Kamibeppu
Hiroshima International School
Marybeth is the Middle Years Programme (MYP) Coordinator and English language acquisition teacher at Hiroshima International School. Her professional interests include raising bilingual children, teaching reading, and college counseling. She has been in JALT for a long time and is active in the Teaching Younger Learners SIG and is currently the Nominations and Elections Committee (NEC) chair.Sessions
Teaching Younger Learners Teaching Younger Learners SIG Forum more
Sun, Nov 14, 14:45-16:15 Asia/Tokyo
The Teaching Younger Learners SIG Annual General Meeting and Forum. The first part of this forum will be devoted to SIG business and the AGM. We will explain each officer role and open the floor up for questions. The second part, depending on time, will focus on questions from our membership and how to better build a community with the SIG. We will offer ideas for activities and suggestions moving forward with professional development using a hybrid format. We look forward to seeing your there.