Shaila Sultana
Shaila Sultana, PhD is Professor and the former Head of the Department of English Language, Institute of Modern Languages, University of Dhaka. Her recent publications include a co-authored book, Popular Culture, Voice and Linguistic Diversity (Macmillan, Palgrave) and book chapters in Language, Digital Communication and Society (Peter Lang, UK), Critical Inquiries in the Studies of Sociolinguistics of Globalization (Multilingual Matters, USA) and Language and Culture on the Margins: Global/ Local Interactions (Routledge). She is also the Chief Editor of Routledge Handbook of English Language Education in Bangladesh (Routledge UK, 2021).Sessions
Technology Higher Education During COVID- 19: Wellbeing of Teachers and Students more
Sun, Nov 14, 14:45-15:10 Asia/Tokyo
Students’ and teachers’ wellbeing has emerged as a common concern in research during COVID-19. Based on qualitative research and the data of 10 FGDs with teachers (25) and students (19) in private universities (11) in Bangladesh, the paper shows that online teaching is affected by contextual, material, physical, social, and psychological challenges, and, consequently, both teachers and students experience anxieties and stresses. Students from a non-privileged background suffer more than others.

Non-Teaching Area Panel Discussion and Closing Ceremony more
Mon, Nov 15, 16:00-17:00 Asia/Tokyo
The end of the show, and we will welcome some of our plenary, featured, and invited guest speakers to offer some final words and reflections on the conference. Audience participants will be encouraged to ask questions and offer insights of their own. After the panel discussion we will hear about what is to come for JALT2022!