Robert Taferner
Hiroshima University
Robert Taferner is an Associate Professor at Hiroshima University in Japan. His research interests include Psycholinguistics and the acquisition of prepositions/adpositions. He is now developing the Crosslinguistic Image Schema Differential (CISD) Hypothesis to account for L2 learning of spatial and temporal adpositions in a number of languages throughout the world.Sessions
Psychology & Language Learning Acquisition of Difficult English Prepositions: A Usage-Based Approach more
Sun, Nov 14, 16:05-16:30 Asia/Tokyo
This presentation examines learners' understanding and development of difficult spatial prepositional usages of “at,” “from,” “in,” “on,” and “to.” Results indicate semantic complexity and metacognitive understanding of these prepositions are some of the main obstacles for learners to overcome in order to enhance their learning. This ongoing investigation illustrates that a usage-based approach to the development of learning tasks provides an effective strategy to support learners' language development, confidence, and self-efficacy.