Lina Mukhopadhyay
Dr. LINA MUKHOPADHYAY is Professor and Head, Department of Training and Development, School of English Language Education at The English and Foreign Languages University, Hyderabad, India. She researches in multilingual education, second language acquisition, language assessment and teaching young language learners. At present, she is working on a University of Cambridge led MLE project in India. Her recent publications are in MLE and translanguaging and code-switching for pedagogical purposes.Sessions
Teacher and Professional Development Teaching Research Methodology Using Technology and TBLT Approach: A Study more
Sat, Nov 13, 18:00-19:00 Asia/Tokyo
A series of increasingly complex tasks within the TBLT framework pushes learners to experience language gains. A research methodology course using technology like Web 2.0 tools within the TBLT framework was offered to a group of 25 pre-service ESL teachers to examine the impact of TBLT on content learning. The findings showed a positive impact on teacher task difficulty perception and social use of technology on task completion and improved comprehension and content learning.