William Bayliss is an experienced teacher, trainer and examiner. He has programmed and delivered teaching and assessment literacy training to audiences across China and East Asia, he has also delivered webinars and presentations to teachers and assessment professionals at multiple online international conferences and symposiums. His professional experience includes teaching, academic management, IELTS examining, examiner training and assessment consultancy. In his current role William has been involved in the development and validation of machine rated speaking assessments. His main responsibilities include training and managing examiners to produce machine training and test data, validating machine performance and validating data sets.Sessions
Teacher and Professional Development How Language Assessment Works: Rating Spoken Production Using the CEFR more
Fri, Nov 12, 13:30-15:00 Asia/Tokyo
The Japanese national curriculum specifies balanced teaching of speaking, reading, listening and writing -- and universities are moving towards assessing all four skills. As part of this movement, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and the British Council have jointly developed a Speaking Test for university entrance purposes called BCT-S, a localised version of the British Council’s global Aptis test. In this hands-on session, attendees will work with tasks, speaking samples and rating criteria from the Aptis test to better understand, in concrete terms, the way these tests rate candidate’s speaking performance using the CEFR descriptors.