Nicholas Delgrego
Tsuru University
Nicholas Delgrego is a full-time lecturer at Tsuru Bunka University with a background in English language education. Over the past 15 years, he has taught at primary, secondary, and tertiary levels in Japan. He is currently pursuing his doctorate which investigates the impact of writing centers at Japanese universities.Sessions
Other Learners & Contexts One Size Doesn’t Fit All: Appropriate Tutorial Session Length more
Sat, Nov 13, 12:45-13:10 Asia/Tokyo
The authors bring valuable findings accumulated through their research with current practitioners about how writing centers can best decide on the tutoring session length at their institution. In this presentation, the speakers will share advice about the important decision when selecting the proper tutorial session length. This session will be helpful both to those in the planning stage and those looking to improve an established writing center or self-access center with tutorial sessions.