Amanda Yoshida
Kanda University of International Studies
Amanda Yoshida is a lecturer at Kanda University of International Studies in Japan, where she is a course coordinator for Media English courses, and she teaches both Media English and Academic Writing. She has a Master’s degree in TESOL from Anaheim University and has been teaching at the secondary and tertiary levels for nearly 20 years. Her current research interests include reflective practices, action research, and professional development.Sessions
Learner Development Action Research: Assisting Learners in Leadership Skills Development more
Sun, Nov 14, 14:05-14:30 Asia/Tokyo
This presentation will introduce an action research project that attempts to understand what learners focus on when reflecting on their own leadership and the improvements they notice in themselves. In this cycle, the presenter implemented feedback, both individual and whole class, to provide ongoing support. Five major themes emerged from qualitative analysis of the learners’ reflections: Challenges, language gaps, strategies, leadership skills, and growth/development. Themes and case studies of selected students will be presented.