Kathleen Brown
Kurume University
Kathleen Brown (EdD) is currently a professor at Kurume University. During her long "stay" in Japan, she has developed an interest in needs assessment , curriculum development and program evaluation. Her current work involves female academic leadership and mentoring. She is involved in the JALT Administrative Committee and the JALT Mentoring and Orientation Committee.Sessions
Non-Teaching Area Reflective Dialogue to Promote Professional Well-Being more
Sun, Nov 14, 12:45-14:15 Asia/Tokyo
The JALT Mentoring & Orientation Committee will hold one-on-one sessions for JALT members registered for JALT International 2021. The 90-minute workshop focuses on enhancing the participants’ professional well-being through the approach of reflective dialogue. The participants will receive a pre-workshop introduction on how to conduct reflective dialogue by watching an introduction video and will be paired up with a partner in the workshop to practice reflective dialogue by having an actual session online.

Teacher and Professional Development Climbing the University Teaching Ladder: Entry-Level to Tenured Positions more
Sun, Nov 14, 12:05-13:05 Asia/Tokyo
ALTs and Eikaiwa teachers in Japan may find themselves limited in future career choices, while entry to university positions can be intimidating and seemingly out of reach. This presentation aims to make this option more transparent to educators interested in exploring this career path. The presenters provide practical suggestions on preparations/steps for obtaining university positions, as well as skills useful in advancing a career within the university system towards procuring a tenured position.