Katherine Thornton
Otemon Gakuin University
Katherine Thornton is a learning advisor and director of the self-access centre at Otemon Gakuin University. Her research interests include multilingualism and language policy in non-classroom language learning spaces, social learning spaces and L2 social identities.Sessions
Learner Development Investigating the Impact of a Teletandem Online Language Exchange more
Sun, Nov 14, 14:45-15:10 Asia/Tokyo
Teletandem is an online language exchange, where two students learning each other’s languages are paired to practise their languages and support each other’s learning online. The researchers administered a survey and several interviews to investigate the experiences of teletandem participants from a Japanese and an Australian university, specifically focussing on the programme’s impact on students’ motivation to learn, their autonomous learning skills, and their identities as language learners and users.

Learner Development Serendipities in Self-Access Learning: Positives From the Pandemic more
Sat, Nov 13, 18:00-19:30 Asia/Tokyo
The COVID-19 pandemic has been problematic for self-access and social language learning spaces where community, interaction, and proximity are central to our mission. Moves to remote or hybrid learning and the need for social distancing have forced us to rethink our practices. This forum explores how these initiatives have led to greater choice for learners and even some surprising benefits. There will be two mini-presentations, followed by discussion time.