Ellen Head
Miyazaki International College
I have worked in Japan since 2000 and at Miyazaki International College since 2017, teaching mainly basic English courses and some CLIL. I am publicity chair of the Learner Development SIG and an active member of FLP and CUE sigs. My research interests are constantly evolving as different experiences raise different puzzles or problems to think about.Sessions
Psychology & Language Learning Researching Students’ “Emotion Labour” and Participation in Online Classes more
Sat, Nov 13, 15:25-15:50 Asia/Tokyo
When planning a class it is sometimes difficult to predict which activities will work, particularly in online classes. This presentation draws together threads from student interviews and existing literature on student engagement and willingness to communicate, in order to re-interpret learner actions in terms of emotion labor (Hochschild, 1979). It suggests that by taking account of students’ potential emotion labour, teachers can develop trust and increase the chances of successful classroom participation online or face-to-face.