Andre Parsons
Hokkaido University of Education - Hakodate
Andre is an associate professor at Hokkaido University of Education in Hakodate. His areas of interest include learner autonomy, language learning beyond the classroom, social learning spaces, advising in language learning, and extensive reading and listening. He is currently membership co-chair for the ER SIG.Sessions
Teacher and Professional Development Learning Advisors’ Online Mentoring for Continuing Professional Development more
Sat, Nov 13, 14:45-15:10 Asia/Tokyo
In this presentation, two learning advisors will report on their use of relational mentoring in a duoethnographic approach for their continuing professional development (CPD). They will highlight how mentoring affected each of them and their practices over the course of this regular engagement. The implications of this study will be of value to any educators interested in CPD through online mentoring and in the use of duoethnography as a form of reflective practice.