Emily MacFarlane
Nice to meet you! I'm originally from the Shetland Islands in the very north of Scotland (wind swept islands with viking fire festivals, northern lights and some very cute ponies). I've taught at elementary schools in Sendai for the past ten years. Now, I'm doing master’s research in identifying and developing effective scaffolding techniques during picturebook read aloud sessions and my dissertation deadline is one week after the JALT conference (yikes!). During the school closures last year I looked for different ways to use technology to allow students to continue to enjoy interactive read aloud sessions. With school back in session, I started to look at different ways to use technology to improve read alouds in the classroom and I'm always looking for new ways to entice my students into the world of books. I hope you have a great day!Sessions
Teaching Younger Learners Using Technology for Interactive Read Alouds more
Sat, Nov 13, 16:05-16:30 Asia/Tokyo
Reading picture books regularly in class can help young learners acquire language and early literacy skills, while developing their critical thinking and emotional intelligence. However, the constraints of online learning and rules for socially distancing within face-to-face classrooms have made doing an interactive read aloud very challenging. In this presentation different technological solutions, both readymade and homemade, will be introduced so that teachers can continue to use picture books with learners online and in person.