Caroline Handley

Seikei University


JALT Publications Board Chair / Brain SIG Co-Coordinator


Teacher and Professional Development Breaking Into Publishing With JALT Publications more

Sat, Nov 13, 12:45-13:45 Asia/Tokyo

Editors from JALT’s The Language Teacher and Postconference Publication will give advice and answer questions about getting published, including opportunities for non-peer-reviewed articles. They will also discuss how volunteering in various roles can help you to understand the publication process and improve your writing and researching skills. Drop by and learn about the many ways JALT publications can assist you in your professional development.

Caroline Handley Theron Muller

Psychology & Language Learning Why Do Certain Brain Functions Lead to Learning? more

Sun, Nov 14, 12:45-14:15 Asia/Tokyo

The brain’s natural tendencies to seek patterns, form emotions, make stories, predict, and obsess on the social world are closely connected to learning. The presenters will invite you to share ideas for using these powerful learning tools. Then, our panel of experts will reveal the reason why our brains have these tendencies—a highly active network in the brain that used to be thought of as just daydreaming! Join the panel in learning collaboratively.

Curtis Kelly (EdD) Stephen M. Ryan Caroline Handley

Teacher and Professional Development Getting Published in JALT Publications more

Sat, Nov 13, 18:00-19:00 Asia/Tokyo

This presentation provides clear and practical information on publishing in JALT Publications journals, which include The Language Teacher, JALT Journal, and the Postconference Publication. Editors from each journal will cover their journal’s remit and submission guidelines, describe the various peer-reviewed and non-peer-reviewed publication opportunities available, and answer questions. First-time authors and those wishing to publish in Japanese are especially welcome.

Dennis Koyama Peter Clements Caroline Handley Paul Lyddon