Simon Humphries
Kansai University
Every year, I enjoy the Macquarie Roundtable where researchers on the programme gather to discuss their research informally (Sunday at 2:45pm). This year, I have the pleasure to present with Tomoko Yashima about English majors' use of English and Chinese during their SA in Taiwan (Saturday at 6pm). This is based on our book chapter (pre-print freely available): DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14442.03521 Also, I talk informally with Jonathan Shachter on the Lost in Citations podcast about this book chapter. You can enjoy listening at this link: https://lostinthecitations.podbean.com/e/79/Sessions
Non-Teaching Area Macquarie Research Students’ Roundtable more
Sun, Nov 14, 14:45-15:45 Asia/Tokyo
This will be an opportunity for current Macquarie research students to share their research as a work-in-progress with fellow participants and alumni. It is a good way for participants to discuss their progress and problems, and receive constructive feedback and advice in an informal relaxed setting. Participants please prepare a short summary of your research (one side A4). Any Macquarie students and alumni are welcome to join, listen, and advise.

Psychology & Language Learning Japanese Students’ English and Chinese Translanguaging in Taiwan more
Sat, Nov 13, 18:00-18:25 Asia/Tokyo
Most studies on motivation and translanguaging have focused on learning L2 English due to its role as a dominant international language of power. In this presentation, we report on two intrinsic case studies (Stake, 1995) of Japanese majors of English who studied in Taiwan for 11 months. Following a survey of their translanguaging practices in Japanese, English, and Chinese, we interviewed them to explore the motivations underlying their language choices.