Gordon D Carlson

Otemae University


Gordon Carlson is an associate professor at Otemae University, where he teaches EFL and Global Japan Studies. His research includes service-learning, cultural literacy, and language retention through interactive activities.


Learner Development A Study of Self-Reported Academic Misconduct Among Japanese University ELLs more

Mon, Nov 15, 12:05-12:30 Asia/Tokyo

This presentation examines the results of a survey on self-reported academic dishonesty among English language learners (ELLs) across nine Japanese universities. The study includes the domains of cheating on tests, plagiarism, falsehoods in assignments, and dishonest acts committed in English language classes. An analysis shows the prevalence of cheating and the most frequent behaviors. The presenter concludes that by knowing the common traps in which students fall, educators can proactively work to increase academic integrity.

Gordon D Carlson