Benio Suzuki
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Sociocultural-Linguistics & Pragmatics Interaction in Multiple Contexts: What Can Be Learned From Research more
Sun, Nov 14, 13:25-14:55 Asia/Tokyo
Translanguaging, multimodal resources, and interactional competence are fundamental to communication in an educational context. This forum will present three different research approaches which investigated social interaction in different contexts: (a) in a mathematics-based CLIL classroom, (b) an undergraduate geoscience poster presentation, and (c) with multilingual speakers in conversation tasks in a university classroom. Participants will not only learn about the research findings, but more importantly, will learn how to apply them to upgrade their teaching.
Sociocultural-Linguistics & Pragmatics Teachers’ Use of Interactional Repertoires in English Language Classrooms more
Mon, Nov 15, 12:05-12:30 Asia/Tokyo
In this study, I will present a detailed analysis of video-recorded classroom interactions provided by MEXT. Using a conversation analytic (CA) approach, I will explore how English teachers deploy interactional resources to create interactional space with the students. Based on the analysis, I will discuss some implications for teacher development.